Re: [R] latex{Hmisc} cannot find xdvi on MAC OS X

2008-01-24 Thread Bill Northcott' 3. Set the PATH in your R code Finally, the way to check your PATH in R is Sys.getenv("PATH"). Which for the R 2.6.1 GUI app on this PowerMac G5 gives "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/ sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin" Hope this helps Bill Northcott ___

Re: [R] Bugs through R in Mac

2008-01-21 Thread Bill Northcott
t R controlling a 64 bit JAGS binary which is sort of cool. Now all we need is to be able to run multiple chains on different CPUs but there are some issues with the RNGs from R which are used in JAGS. Bill Northcott __ mai