Dear Everyone,

I wrote a Taylor diagram program in R, but it was not very general, so I was 
happy to find the Taylor.diagram in the plotrix package.
On the other hand I can find many problems with the pos.cor=TRUE case, in other 
words, when we use only the first quarter of the space (positive correlations). 
(When we choose pos.cor=FALSE, the program seems to me perfect)

1.There is only one line around the (0,0) point:

I looked at  this part of the program:

            if ( {
                xcurve <- cos(seq(0, pi/2, by = 0.01)) * sd.r
                ycurve <- sin(seq(0, pi/2, by = 0.01)) * sd.r
                lines(xcurve, ycurve)

I have tried this part of the program (using sd.r=0 and naturally using a 
plot(..)), it gave only one quarter circle and not a seq of them.

2. No lines helping to read the correlation easily at all.

Could you help me, how to correct the program to use as many sd, corr and rmse 
line as I would like to?
Thank you very much for your help in advance!


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