[R] convert TS dataframe to evenly spaced intervals?

2011-07-23 Thread Derrick Lin
Hi R-help, I have a dataframe consisting of a time-series [t, v]. The timestamps aren't at all evenly spaced. The values are continuous. I've been able to graph this as a step function (which is what it should be) in ggplot2, using the 'step' geom. Now I would like to take the integral of the step

[R] Specify non-default libiconv, readline, libpng, tiff etc during R compilation

2010-08-25 Thread Derrick LIN
Hi guys, I am trying to compile 64-bit R 2.11.1 on Solaris 10. I mainly follow the guide in here https://www.initworks.com/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=6521038 The guide suggests that install the customised libiconv, readline under the designated R installation folder and become the private