Hello all,
May be silly question, but what exactly is beta parameter in functions like
regmixEM from mixtools package?
I mean, how to determine this beta, if i have a set of metrics for each
case? Is there a function for that? I have try to put NULL at this
parameter, but function just do not wor
Thank you, Ista, that exactly, what i was looking for :)
Dmitrij Kudriavcev
2011/5/18 Ista Zahn
> Hi Dmitrij,
> I think the usual way is to store the results in a list:
> o <- list()
> o[[1]] <- lrm(...)
> o[[2]] <- lrm(...)
> o[[...]] <-lrm(...)
et_object <- function(obj_name, nModel) {
eval (parse(text=paste("o <- ", obj_name, nModel, sep="")))
Is there a better way to do it? I have try to store it in the matrix using
data.frame(), but object become destroyed after that and predict() function
do not recogni
>> 2011/3/4 Ivan Calandra
>> Hi,
>>> Let's say your data.frame is called df:
>>> df<- data.frame(a=rnorm(10), b=rnorm(10))
>>> data.matrix<- as.matrix(df)
>>> This should work, but be careful wi
Hello, no. I need to change data format, so i can build covariance matrix on
2011/3/4 Alberto Negron
> Can't you just convert you df as follow matrix <- as.matrix(s) ?
> Double check it as I am a newbie too. :-)
> Regards,
> Alberto
> This should work, but be careful with coercion if you have different modes
> in your data.frame
> HTH,
> Ivan
> PS: next time, provide a reproducible example, using dput() for example
> Le 3/4/2011 07:08, Dmitrij Kudriavcev a écrit :
>> Hello
I'm a new in R
I have a large data.frame "s" (this is actualy just a table in mysql) :
> names(s)
[1] "symbols", "day", "value"
I need to convert it to simple matrix. I have define this matrix like this:
> data.matrix <- matrix(nrow=nDays, ncol=nSymbols, dimnames=list(days,
Hello All,
A simple question.
I get some return from the R in my C++ program (via Rcpp package). The
result come, as SEXP and it should be a simple numeric variable.
How to convert it to double?
The code, what i use:
stringstream ss;
ss << "p <- predict(fit_ar11, n.ahead = 2, doplot=FALSE);"
I use c++ program, what call R-project to solve matrix multiplications. Some
times, I get an error in R:
Error in solve.default(V, R) :
system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number =
Execution halted
After that, the program crash. The code, what i execute,
But isn't it change multiplication order?
> Since X is a vector, then
> A <- sum(X, solve(V, X))
> is probably slightly better here.
> -Original Message-
> From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-pro
I have a quick question.
I need to compute matrix in R, like A <- t(X) %*% solve(V) %*% X, where X is
a vector and V is a matrix
This code works, but now i want to optimize it. I have try:
A <- crossprod(X, solve(V)) %*% X
Is there another, better way?
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