Hi all,
I am a totally blind R user. Few days ago I got to know about the
Binancer package. This package solved one of the biggest issues I was
facing while learning about trading on Binance. The problem of how a
blind user can view candle stick charts to make trading decisions.
The functions in Bi
Dear list members,
I'd like to find the value of r-square change at each step of a
regression model.
I know that I can use anova () to compare to models, but, if I want to
find out that how much exactly r-square has change from one model to
the next, how can I find that?
Regards, and thanks for
Dear list, I have the following how-to-do it in R, questions.
Suppose I have ten independent variables, and one dependent variable.
I want to find the Pearson correlation of all the IVs with the DV, but
not the correlation between the IVs.
What I know so far, about R, that I have to type the cor
Dear list,
I am slightly confused about how I can do the following in R.
I want to perform robust multiple regression. I’ve used the Boot
function in CAR package to find confidence intervals and standard
errors. Inadition to these, I want to find the robust estimates for
the F test and r-s
Dear list members,
I want to save residuals above or less than a certain value to an R
object. I have performed a multiple linear regression, and now I want
to find out which cases have a residual of above + 2.5 and – 2.5.
Below I provide the R commands I have used.
Reg<-lm(a~b+c+d+e+f) # perf
sing R. If such a solution is not possible then I
would appreciate the help of how to use R to make properly structured tables.
Thank you all,
- Original Message -
From: Greg Snow
To: Tal Galili ; h...@stat.berkeley.edu
Cc: Faiz Rasool ; R-help@r-project.org
Sent: Thursd
readLines(con = "all.Rout")
[1] "[1] 4"
The extra "[1]" and quotes are from the readLines function, not from
I tried some variations (based on the explanations in the help) but
Hi all,
I would like to read the results of the commands type in the terminal window in
Microsoft Word. As a blind user my options are somewhat limited and are time
consuming if I want to see the results of the commands that I have type
earlier. for example if my first two commands were
Hi all,
I want to make a contingency table in R. I want to tabulate two variables, one
as the independent and second as the dependent variable. The IV has two
categories, namely, birth complications, and no birth complications. The
frequency of birth complication category is fifty, and the fre
I am trying to perform goodness of fit test using R. I am using this website
http://wiener.math.csi.cuny.edu/Statistics/R/simpleR/stat013.html for help.
However, I am unable to carry out the test successfully. My code follows. It is
taken from the website just mentioned.
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