I was wondering if anyone could help me with my R homework. I have using the R 
tutorials and help options but it just is not helping me at all. I have some 
questions completed but these are the ones i need help on:
A.) Plot the values in vector MyNumbers in a scatterplot.       B.) Create a 
new vector named NewNumbers, with values equal to four times those in      
MyNumbers plus a random number chosen from a normal distribution with mean 5 
and standard deviation 3.  C.) Plot MyNumbers against NewNumbers in a 
scatterplot. Find the slope and intercept using a linear model. Find out how 
much of the variance is due to your fit, and how much is due to the residuals.
A.) An IQ test is normally distributed with a mean of 100 and a standard 
deviation of 15. n             What score would be needed to be in the 95th 
percentile?        B.) In what percentile would the score 112 fall?        C.) 
What is the probability of getting a score that is exactly the mean?
We measured test scores in 3 conditions, no studying, desperate studying, and 
studying well.    There were 6 people in each condition. Perform an ANOVA on 
the data, with readable output, by doing the following:      A.) Create a 
vector of these conditions (independent variable vector) that treats them as a 
factor.     B.) No studying had mean 65 and standard deviation 8, desperate 
studying had mean 78 and standard deviation 3, and studying well had mean 90 
and standard deviation 1. Create random    data based on this information, and 
place it in a variable.     C.) Perform an ANOVA on the data, with readable 

If anyone could help that would be greatly appreciated!!

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