Hi guys,
I have a very simple question.
I'm trying to make multiple columns to a single column.
For example,
*ttx1* is a 46*72 matrix.
so, I tried this.
now, d1, d2, ...,d72 become a 46*1 matrix.
And then.. I tried..
*dd=rbind(d1, d2, ..., d72)*
> m=read.table("c:/i.csv", header=T, sep=",")
> attach(m)
> sortedx1=m[order(-obs),]
Do you know what I should do?
On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 8:50 PM, jim holtman wrote:
> It is clear that 'obs' does not exist.
> O
Thanks.. but not working...
> sortedx1=ttx1[order(-ttx1$obs),]
Error in ttx1$obs : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 8:47 PM, P Ehlers wrote:
> Try
> sortedx1=ttx1[order(-ttx1$obs),]
> (and ask yourself where obs lives)
> -Peter
Hi guys,
I need your help.
I'm trying to sort the data by the variable "obs".
This is how I tried to sort the data below.
The problem is, I have a variable name "obs"; this is.. a counter variable.
something like _n_ in SAS.
I do not know why it is not working.
I even tried a similar example in UC
Hi guys,
I need your help.
I would like to select a subset from a dataset.
This is the dimension of the dataset.
> dim(data1)
[1] 72 36 1916
so, it's like.. there are 1916 of 72 * 36 matrix. ==> looks like 72 * (
36*1916 )
And I would like to select the first 72*36 matrix. This is h
Hi guys,
I need your help!!
My goal is to make a csv file from ncdf file.
This is the code i've used :
> hyo=open.ncdf("C:/CRUTEM3.nc")
> hyo
[1] "file C:/CRUTEM3.nc has 4 dimensions:"
[1] "longitude Size: 72"
[1] "latitude Size: 36"
[1] "unspecified Size: 1"
[1] "t Size: 1916"
[1] "-
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