Hello everyone I am new to R. At this time I am trying to create a vector
so i can randomize two categories a,b under the following conditions :
Take a random x from random uniform(0,1) if x<0.5 then the vector takes
value a else takes b . This continues until the number of a's-the number of
b's > 2 at this point i want to change the possibility that a's and b's are
assigned to the vector to 0.2 (if x<0.2 then a). This probability i want to
change again if the number of b's - the number of a's > 2 to 0.8(if x<0.8
then a). However because i have random numbers i may have the above
situation vice versa. (first b's-a's>2 then a's-b's>2) .finally sth like
vector<- a,b,a,a,a,b,b,a . I thought to use a for loop and this is my code ;

x<- rep(NA, 20)
tmp<- rep(FALSE, 20)for(i in 1:20) {
x[i]<- runif(1)
tmp<- x[i]<0.5if(2 * sum(tmp) - i + 1 > 2) {
tmp[i]<- x[i]<0.2} else {
tmp[i]<- x[i]<0.8}}

Although the code runs without errors it doesnt return what i want . How

am I wrong? Should i have to use next or break statement here or sth else?

please help me.Thanks in advance

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