Re: [R] conditional selection of dataframe rows

2010-08-12 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Aug 12, 2010, at 2:24 PM, Marc Schwartz wrote: On Aug 12, 2010, at 2:11 PM, Toby Gass wrote: Dear helpeRs, I have a dataframe (14947 x 27) containing measurements collected every 5 seconds at several different sampling locations. If one measurement at a given location is less than

Re: [R] conditional selection of dataframe rows

2010-08-12 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Aug 12, 2010, at 3:06 PM, Toby Gass wrote: Thank you all for the quick responses. So far as I've checked, Marc's solution works perfectly and is quite speedy. I'm still trying to figure out what it is doing. :) Henrique's solution seems to need some columns somewhere. David's

Re: [R] storing the results of an apply call

2010-08-12 Thread Marc Schwartz
...) 2. I don't know if the fortunes package is the right place, but this exchange needs to be captured... Regards, Marc Schwartz P.S. Pardon me while I go visit with the Emacs Psychotherapist (version 23 of course...) __

Re: [R] Sweave with

2010-08-10 Thread Marc Schwartz
of the dimensions that you have specified. You can alter that default behavior by using: \usepackage[nogin]{Sweave} in your document preamble. The figures will then be set to the sizes that you define in the figure chunk header. See ?RweaveLatex for more information. HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] ESS question. How to get rid of ess-smart-underscore?

2010-08-09 Thread Marc Schwartz
can disable the behavior by putting: (ess-toggle-underscore nil) in your .emacs file. Also, as you may be aware, there is a dedicated ESS help list at: HTH, Marc Schwartz __

Re: [R] package names in Latex

2010-08-09 Thread Marc Schwartz
be bolded using a \pkg directive (eg. \pkg{YourPackageName}), which would bold the package name within the braces. If you are doing this outside of those environments, you can duplicate the effect by using \textbf{YourPackageName}, which would bold the text within the braces only. HTH, Marc

Re: [R] subset of string by index

2010-08-08 Thread Marc Schwartz
at Gabor's 'gsubfn' CRAN package to see if he is utilities there that may be relevant. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] Is R GPL or LGPL (or can I write a commercial front end to R)?

2010-08-06 Thread Marc Schwartz
details, which can impact whether or not you can sell a closed source GUI that runs on top of R. At the end of the day, you have a fiduciary responsibility to your company to seek formal legal advice. That is part of the cost of doing business and making informed decisions. HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] gsub

2010-08-06 Thread Marc Schwartz
Thanks, Alfredo The easiest way is to use a back reference to return the part of the vector that you want: gsub(^.*_(.*)\\.csv$, \\1, piante_venere.csv) [1] venere In this case, the \\1 returns the part of the regex defined within the parens. HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] Plotting range of values in barplot()

2010-08-05 Thread Marc Schwartz
Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree NeutralSomewhat Agree 0 1 2 7 Strongly Agree 12 Now do the barplot(): MyTab - table(MyData) barplot(MyTab, names.arg = MyTab) HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] Sweave line breaks

2010-07-30 Thread Marc Schwartz
mollit anim id est laborum. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained

Re: [R] [Rd] R CMD build wiped my computer

2010-07-28 Thread Marc Schwartz
, it was perhaps 20+ years ago, but as a result, I am quite anal retentive about having backups, which I have done for some time on my systems, hourly. HTH, Marc Schwartz On Jul 28, 2010, at 5:55 AM, Jarrod Hadfield wrote: Hi Martin, I think this is the most likely reason given that the name

Re: [R] [Rd] R CMD build wiped my computer

2010-07-28 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Jul 28, 2010, at 3:18 PM, Bos, Roger wrote: Ubuntu also uses ~ as a backup file syntax, but Ubuntu has a trash can where deleted files are located, so it would be easy to restore them. I would be surprised if Fedora didn't also have a trash can. snip Roger, It does, but that is only if

Re: [R] Sweaving quotes

2010-07-28 Thread Marc Schwartz
) ... Signif. codes: 0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1 ... HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] R CMD build wiped my computer

2010-07-27 Thread Marc Schwartz
. Regards, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] glm - prediction of a factor with several levels

2010-07-26 Thread Marc Schwartz
a two level response. BTW, if you are going to use a function (eg. rmvnorm()) from an external package, be sure to include the relevant library() call in your example code so folks don't need to guess which CRAN package(s) may be required to run it. HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] write.csv() : attempt to set 'append' ignored... Why?

2010-07-15 Thread Marc Schwartz
, col.names, sep, dec or qmethod are ignored, with a warning. If you want to use 'append', you will need to use write.table() and adjust the other arguments as you require. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list

Re: [R] Search and extract string function

2010-07-15 Thread Marc Schwartz
the two bounding sets of characters. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self

Re: [R] How do I combine lists of data.frames into a single data frame?

2010-07-15 Thread Marc Schwartz
) The result of which will be a single data frame containing all of the rows from each of the data frames in the list. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide http

Re: [R] write.csv() : attempt to set 'append' ignored... Why?

2010-07-15 Thread Marc Schwartz
:36 AM, Marc Schwartz wrote: On Jul 15, 2010, at 9:41 AM, Cliff Clive wrote: I'm running R 2.11.0 on a 32-bit Windows XP machine. Whenever I try to write a csv file with 'append' set to TRUE, I get this message: attempt to set 'append' ignored. Obviously

Re: [R] How do I combine lists of data.frames into a single data frame?

2010-07-15 Thread Marc Schwartz
, Marc Schwartz wrote: On Jul 15, 2010, at 2:18 PM, Ted Byers wrote: The data.frame is constructed by one of the following functions: funweek - function(df) if (length(df$elapsed_time) 5) { rv = fitdist(df$elapsed_time,exp) rv$year = df$sale_year[1] rv$sample

Re: [R] Search and extract string function

2010-07-15 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Jul 15, 2010, at 11:27 AM, AndrewPage wrote: Actually I have one more question that's somewhat related-- I'm starting out by importing a .txt file that isn't divided into vectors and is at times inconsistent with regards to spacing, indents, etc., so I can't rely on those. It looks

Re: [R] How do I combine lists of data.frames into a single data frame?

2010-07-15 Thread Marc Schwartz
Ted, Based upon your code below, you might be better off using two lapply() constructs to create the x and y results separately, taking advantage of lapply()'s built-in ability to create lists 'on the fly', while returning a NULL when the function will not be applied to the data based upon

Re: [R] Sample size ANCOVA

2010-07-14 Thread Marc Schwartz
results as compared to the online calculator. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal

Re: [R] Error while connecting to Oracle using RODBC package

2010-07-14 Thread Marc Schwartz
the DSN connection information with your Oracle Admin. See: vignette(RODBC) for more information. Are you by chance on a 64 bit Windows platform, running 32 bit R? If so, be sure that your ODBC driver for Oracle is 32 bit and not 64 bit, which could also result in a conflict. HTH, Marc

Re: [R] Mathematica and R

2010-07-14 Thread Marc Schwartz
(eg. CSV files) that can be used by both applications. I don't use Mathematica, so am unfamiliar with their, presumably proprietary, formats. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do

Re: [R] Query about wilcox.test() P-value

2010-07-14 Thread Marc Schwartz
information specific to your platform relative to numerical characteristics. HTH, Marc Schwartz On Jul 14, 2010, at 10:49 AM, Govind Chandra wrote: Hi Peter, Thanks for your response. Yes, I am interested in P-values smaller than 1e-16. Below a certain value they may not tell much about

Re: [R] ver 2.11.1 from xterm on Mac without lme4

2010-07-14 Thread Marc Schwartz
and the additional tools are available from: As a future reference, since this issue is specific to OSX, you would be better off posting to the R-sig-mac list: HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] Embedding graphics in a pdf()

2010-07-14 Thread Marc Schwartz
on a similar query: HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] Add Significance Codes to Data Frame

2010-07-14 Thread Marc Schwartz
that 'Signif' is: str(Signif) Class 'noquote' atomic [1:2] *** ..- attr(*, legend)= chr 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 So you will need to coerce it to a vector before cbind()ing to a data frame: as.vector(Signif) [1] *** HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] Import graph object

2010-07-14 Thread Marc Schwartz
HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] export tables to excel files on multiple sheets with titles for each table

2010-07-13 Thread Marc Schwartz
at the RCom package tools for this. This provides greater flexibility in writing to the worksheets and cells. See for more information. HTH, Marc Schwartz On Jul 13, 2010, at 4:09 PM, Felipe Carrillo wrote: Check the WriteXLS package, I think it does that and also

Re: [R] Inserting an image into a PDF file

2010-07-11 Thread Marc Schwartz
, you can take advantage of built-in functionality to manipulate these files. Of course using Sweave is yet another option. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting

Re: [R] strange floor rounding

2010-07-09 Thread Marc Schwartz
* .58) [1] 57.99289457 See R FAQ 7.31 HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented

Re: [R] Need help in handling date

2010-07-07 Thread Marc Schwartz
] November December See ?LETTERS HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self

Re: [R] F# vs. R

2010-07-07 Thread Marc Schwartz
your query. Regards, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible

Re: [R] Counting defined character within String

2010-07-05 Thread Marc Schwartz
(as.character(DF$Var), split = \\|), length) [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 and of course get the max value. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R

Re: [R] logistic regression - glm() - example in Dalgaard's book ISwR

2010-07-03 Thread Marc Schwartz
, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] generating list of all arguments that function was called with

2010-07-02 Thread Marc Schwartz
to a list, yielding the argument names and values. 'expand.dots' is used to deal with the '...' args, if they exist. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] identifying odd or even number

2010-07-01 Thread Marc Schwartz
/FAQ/R-FAQ.html#Why-doesn_0027t-R-think-these-numbers-are-equal_003f HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] Use of processor by R 32bit on a 64bit machine

2010-06-29 Thread Marc Schwartz
I suspect that it was Intel's marketing department, after a few beers at the local bar... ;-) Regards, Marc On Jun 29, 2010, at 9:09 AM, Joris Meys wrote: *slaps forehead* Thanks. So out it goes, that hyperthreading. Who invented hyperthreading on a quad-core anyway? Cheers Joris

Re: [R] Help with dates and characters

2010-06-29 Thread Marc Schwartz
, not a Date class object. If you actually want the vector as a Date class object, but just 'format' the output as YY-MM, then you can use: # See ?as.Date and ?strptime format(as.Date(x, format = %Y-%m-%d), %Y-%m) [1] 2000-01 2000-01 2001-03 HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] Sweave, xtable plus/minus sign

2010-06-29 Thread Marc Schwartz
to tweak the sanitize.text.function argument in print.xtable() to properly handle the backslashes. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] seq.dates in reverse?

2010-06-29 Thread Marc Schwartz
something like: seq(as.Date(2010-07-29), length = 2, by = -4 months) [1] 2010-07-29 2010-03-29 ? Note that the 'by' argument can be a negative interval. See the third bullet in the Details section of ?seq.Date. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ R-help@r

Re: [R] Popularity of R, SAS, SPSS, Stata...

2010-06-22 Thread Marc Schwartz
of graphs as the final output so another term makes sense. But what should it be? Data analysis? My 0.02€, Liviu Well yes, I've used it myself I think, but I was hoping for something a bit 'sexier'. L'analyse des Données Say it with a deep voice ;-) Regards, Marc

Re: [R] RODBC in R

2010-06-17 Thread Marc Schwartz
list for data base related queries: HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] R licensing query

2010-06-17 Thread Marc Schwartz
). On a more general level, since you are in a healthcare setting, you might also want to point them to: which might provide additional comfort that R is being used for regulated clinical trial activities. HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] RODBC: AD authentication when accessing database?

2010-06-17 Thread Marc Schwartz
setting and the potential interactions that might be relevant. A search of the archives was also not helpful. I would suggest posting your query to the R-SIG-DB list, where you will avail yourself of a more focused audience: HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] R licensing query

2010-06-17 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:46 AM, Barry Rowlingson wrote: On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 5:11 PM, Frank E Harrell Jr wrote: Pardon my english but you're working for idiots. I'd look elsewhere if there are other options. IT departments should be here to help get things done,

Re: [R] [OT] Oo-calc StAtistics

2010-06-17 Thread Marc Schwartz
in, which discuss some of the faults in Calc, such as rounding numbers close to 0 to 0 (like Excel does) and some of the non-IEEE 754 floating point behavior (like Excel does)... HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list

Re: [R] [OT] Oo-calc StAtistics

2010-06-17 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:29 PM, Ted Harding wrote: On 17-Jun-10 20:36:27, Marc Schwartz wrote: On Jun 17, 2010, at 3:03 PM, Ted Harding wrote: The thread R licensing query currently running has raised the classic critcisms of using Excel for statistics. I was wondering: Has anyone applied

Re: [R] Unspecified [upper] xlim/ylim?

2010-06-15 Thread Marc Schwartz
)) as the argument syntax. The same would apply for the x axis limits. Is that what you are after? HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] list of variables of an expression

2010-06-15 Thread Marc Schwartz
information. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible

Re: [R] logistic regression with 50 varaibales

2010-06-14 Thread Marc Schwartz
techniques. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] logistic regression with 50 varaibales

2010-06-14 Thread Marc Schwartz
first. Cheers Joris On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 2:55 PM, Marc Schwartz wrote: On Jun 13, 2010, at 10:20 PM, array chip wrote: Hi, this is not R technical question per se. I know there are many excellent statisticians in this list, so here my questions: I have dataset

Re: [R] xtable with Sweave

2010-06-14 Thread Marc Schwartz
directly to specify non-default arguments: print(xtable(, align = l|c), caption.placement = top, table.placement = 'H') See the help pages for ?xtable and ?print.table, including the last examples in the former. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ R-help@r

Re: [R] 45 degree tick marks

2010-06-10 Thread Marc Schwartz
-axis-labels_003f HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained

Re: [R] Latex: Date Format conversion

2010-06-10 Thread Marc Schwartz
as described above (3/10/10). Felipe, Do you want the report to be dated for the day that it is processed by latex? If so, just use: \today to generate the current date at run time in the long format that you have above. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ R

Re: [R] Latex: Date Format conversion

2010-06-10 Thread Marc Schwartz
Felipe, I would not do the processing in TeX, but do it in R and then pass the results to the \Sexpr{}'s. If I am correctly understanding the process flow, put the following R code chunk before the point where you need to output the formatted dates: results=hide START -

Re: [R] Latex: Date Format conversion

2010-06-10 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Jun 10, 2010, at 12:19 PM, Marc Schwartz wrote: Felipe, I would not do the processing in TeX, but do it in R and then pass the results to the \Sexpr{}'s. If I am correctly understanding the process flow, put the following R code chunk before the point where you need to output

Re: [R] R-List on Spanish Where I can find???

2010-06-09 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Jun 9, 2010, at 8:38 PM, TND (Ing. Marcos Ortiz Valmaseda) wrote: Regards to all R-Help list I ´m searching a R list on Spanish Do you know any? Regards and thanks a lot Go here: HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] plotting a dataset with median 0

2010-06-05 Thread Marc Schwartz
, plot.points = FALSE) you can get something similar to the overlapping density plots in the 'sm' package. Food for thought. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read

Re: [R] How do I 'merge' a altered subset of a data.frame back into the same data.frame

2010-06-04 Thread Marc Schwartz
165.33 2 2 1.50 79.00 3 3 0.40 51.66 4 4 0.50 57.00 5 5 1.77 7.70 6 6 0.58 99.70 7 7 0.48160.00 8 8 1.04 84.00 9 9 1.93 87.00 10 10 0.43150.70 HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] R plotting on linux, regardless of architecture of local machine

2010-06-04 Thread Marc Schwartz
itself, if you want local display graphics. I am not cognizant of other options, but will defer to others with more recent Windows experience. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE

Re: [R] R plotting on linux, regardless of architecture of local machine

2010-06-04 Thread Marc Schwartz
, X11 port forwarding will be disabled on the RHEL server side of things. I see that Ted has also provided an excellent reply, so hopefully this might supplement his in some fashion. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list https

Re: [R] rgl problem on Fedora 13

2010-06-03 Thread Marc Schwartz
consider contacting the rgl package maintainers to see if there is any additional information that they can provide based upon their more intimate knowledge. Finally, there is a R SIG Fedora e-mail list. More info at: HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] R linux install: FORTRAN compiling error

2010-06-03 Thread Marc Schwartz
built for your release, you tend to obviate version incompatibility issues, as Prof. Ripley has noted. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R

Re: [R] R linux install: FORTRAN compiling error

2010-06-03 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Jun 3, 2010, at 10:38 AM, vaneet wrote: I tried downloading the pre-built binaries of R from this website and then installing the rpms but is seems they depend on so many other packages to be installed first. I tried simply the R package first: warning: R-2.11.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm:

Re: [R] Interaction versus combinations

2010-06-03 Thread Marc Schwartz
? Thanks in advance Alex van der Spek combn(c(1, 3, 6, 9), 2) [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [1,]111336 [2,]369699 See ?combn HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list https

Re: [R] sig for R and C++

2010-06-03 Thread Marc Schwartz
lists is at: The Posting Guide also has a question: Which list: R-help, R-devel, or Bioconductor? with some guidance on this point. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list https

Re: [R] data-management: Rowwise NA

2010-06-03 Thread Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] R on the iPhone/iPad? Not so much....a GPL violation

2010-06-01 Thread Marc Schwartz
character sets, rather than scrolling through them using the default keyboard. I hope that the above is helpful to folks. Needless to say, I do not present the above as being the definitive reference, but it seems to be at least a logical interpretation of the current situation. Regards, Marc

Re: [R] R on the iPhone/iPad? Not so much....a GPL violation

2010-06-01 Thread Marc Schwartz
Ken, See comments inline. On Jun 1, 2010, at 2:25 PM, Ken Williams wrote: Hi Marc, I want to debate a couple points from your post: 1. Distribution of GPL covered applications is not permissible via the App Store due to the Apple Terms of Service language, which infringes upon rights

[R] R on the iPhone/iPad? Not so much....a GPL violation

2010-05-29 Thread Marc Schwartz
, not as a catalyst for a discussion on the political aspects of this situation. So please, let's not go there... :-) Regards, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide http

Re: [R] Help with R graphics

2010-05-29 Thread Marc Schwartz
?layout: # Create a plot with 3 columns with uneven widths defined layout(matrix(1:3, ncol = 3), widths = c(1/5, 2/5, 2/5)) # show the 3 regions HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list

Re: [R] Installation on 64bit redhat linux question

2010-05-27 Thread Marc Schwartz
configuration of your system correct. Alternatively, if you have a local Linux SysAdmin that you can access, that would be another option. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read

Re: [R] Need help to retrieve the previous commands by usin g ↑ and ↓ keys.

2010-05-24 Thread Marc Schwartz
not be aware, but Fedora 13 is scheduled for release tomorrow. That means that in 30 days, Fedora 11 will go End of Life (EOL), which means no further security fixes, patches, updates, etc. You will need to think about moving to at least Fedora 12 RSN. HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] multiple pages of plot in one image file

2010-05-24 Thread Marc Schwartz
, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Question about difftime()

2010-05-20 Thread Marc Schwartz
the fact that february has 28 days (or 29). Could you please help? Thank you very much in advance. Kind regards, Stella Try recounting: 8 days remaining in February this year (not a leap year), after the 20th. 31 days in March 30 days in April 20 days in May Total? HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] R newbie | sapply and FUN error

2010-05-20 Thread Marc Schwartz
common operations in R, that you are already comfortable doing in SAS. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] merging two vectors

2010-05-14 Thread Marc Schwartz
5 60 7 80 9 100 This presumes that both vectors are of the same length. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] insert values based on common ID

2010-05-14 Thread Marc Schwartz
, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] finding the plot limits generated by default

2010-05-14 Thread Marc Schwartz
the same x and y axis ranges in each plot by using the 'xlim' and 'ylim' arguments to plot(). HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] finding the plot limits generated by default

2010-05-14 Thread Marc Schwartz
be appreciated. - Fincher On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 11:45, Marc Schwartz wrote: On May 14, 2010, at 9:59 AM, Justin Fincher wrote: I have two datasets that I would like to plot in a single figure. The first plot is generated by a function that then takes a subset

Re: [R] R 2.11 on redhat el5/x86_64?

2010-05-12 Thread Marc Schwartz
download what appears to be stable release version RPMs here: Martyn and Tom have worked hard to make CRAN and the EPEL repos compatible in terms of the R RPM build process, so you should be fine from either source. HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] Changing R opening message

2010-05-12 Thread Marc Schwartz
. Use: R --quiet See: for more information. BTW, well past time to update your version of R...2.11.0 is current. HTH, Marc Schwartz __

Re: [R] difference along a vector

2010-05-12 Thread Marc Schwartz
for this. ?diff diff(a, lag = 3) [1] 43 3 5 -37 -7 -19 3 HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented

Re: [R] read.table: skipping trailing delimiters

2010-05-04 Thread Marc Schwartz
... HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] help needed with help

2010-04-30 Thread Marc Schwartz
/ressources/emacs/mac which might save you some time if you wish to update Emacs. I don't use it as I build Emacs 23 from CVS, but a quick look suggests that he might not yet have added the above help fix for R 2.11.0. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ R-help@r

Re: [R] confused on model.frame evaluation

2010-04-30 Thread Marc Schwartz
: 60.162 Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4 Does that help top clarify? Regards, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] What is the best way to have R output tables in an MS Word format?

2010-04-30 Thread Marc Schwartz
department web site on this: Frank also has some pointers for converting between various formats: HTH, Marc Schwartz __ R

Re: [R] drop last character in a names'vector

2010-04-30 Thread Marc Schwartz
?substr and ?nchar HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained

Re: [R] drop last character in a names'vector

2010-04-30 Thread Marc Schwartz [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-] On Behalf Of Marc Schwartz Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 5:04 PM To: Sebastian Kruk Cc:; Subject: Re: [R] drop last character in a names'vector On Apr 30, 2010, at 5:44 PM, Sebastian Kruk wrote: Hi, i

Re: [R] Changing from 32-bit builds to 64-bit builds

2010-04-29 Thread Marc Schwartz
on your system, it is possible that you still have the 32 bit version installed and that is what is being run. You can check this by using: .Machine$sizeof.pointer If it returns 4, you are running 32 bit R and it if returns 8, 64 bit. HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] problems accessing MS Access 2003 database with RODBC

2010-04-28 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Apr 28, 2010, at 3:38 PM, wrote: -Original Message- From: Marc Schwartz [] Sent: Monday, 26, April, 2010 13:47 PM To: Vasiliev b...@cefcom h...@ottawa-hull Cc:; Ripley Prof Brian Subject: Re: [R

Re: [R] Randomization for block random clinical trials

2010-04-27 Thread Marc Schwartz
, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] get means of elements of 5 matrices in a list

2010-04-27 Thread Marc Schwartz
,] 20.74 29.80 37.50 29.48 36.96 43.26 [4,] 24.16 33.60 40.94 32.76 39.92 46.14 [5,] 33.88 44.80 52.94 42.74 47.10 54.40 HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide http

Re: [R] get means of elements of 5 matrices in a list

2010-04-27 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Apr 27, 2010, at 10:19 AM, Marc Schwartz wrote: On Apr 27, 2010, at 10:05 AM, David Freedman wrote: I've got a list of 5 matrices that are each 5 x 6. I'd like to end up with a 5 x 6 matrix that contains the mean value of the 5 original matrices. I can do this by brute force

Re: [R] concise syntax for selecting multiple rows

2010-04-26 Thread Marc Schwartz
(result, Subject %in% c(JEFF, BG, John, Mary)) See ?subset and ?%in% HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] problems accessing MS Access 2003 database with RODBC

2010-04-26 Thread Marc Schwartz
that the information is still of value 6 years hence. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented

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