[R] need help with contourplot figure

2011-09-30 Thread Mike Gibson
I can't figure out how to add tick marks on both my X and Y axis. For example, my X axis ranges from 0 to 1 and there are both a tick mark and a number label at the X-axis values of 0.2,0.4,0.6. and 0.8. I want to add tick marks to the figure at every 0.1 value. This will help a viewer deter

[R] plot question, increasing Y-axis labels

2011-03-10 Thread Mike Gibson
I want to increase the number of labels on my y-axis. Here is my code: plot(fish$species, fish$fl, ylim=c(5,25), xlab="Species", ylab="Fork Length (in)") The plot is great but it only has numerical y-labes every five values (i.e. labels at 5, 10, 15, and 25). I want R to give me the sa

[R] calculating means

2011-02-18 Thread Mike Gibson
I apologize if you have already seen my question. I am new to the mailing list and I did not get any responses the first time I posted my question. However, I am not sure my post went through. Here is my situation: I have a spreadsheet with columns of fish species (text) and length (numb

[R] unused argument error

2010-11-26 Thread Mike Gibson
I want to change my parameter g to maximize the sum of my model. I keep getting an unused argument error and I don't know why. Here are the details of my problem. g<-0.2 #initial value for g Qt<-exp(-g*tagdat$t) #model building PTT<-Qt*Qt #model building PT<

[R] small problem in coding

2010-11-26 Thread Mike Gibson
I must be missing something. I first state my g parameter with: > lamda<-c(g=0.2) However, when I do the next step R is telling me "object g not found" Here is my next step: > Q<-exp(g) ??? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Mike

[R] discriminant function analysis

2010-11-16 Thread Mike Gibson
My objective is to look at differences in two species of fish from morphometric measurements. My morphometric measurements are head length, eye diameter, snout length, and measurements from tail to each fin. I want to use discrimanant function analyis to determine if there are differences betw