[R] Lattice wireframe or cloud plot with different colours by a group

2011-04-01 Thread Pam Allen
, but I can't get the colors to plot correctly. cloud(flow~day*year, data=flow.dat, shade=T, groups=grp, col.group=c(#FF3030,#43CD80,#1E90FF), pch=20) Any help is much appreciated! Thank you. -Pam Allen allen_...@hotmail.com -- View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Lattice

Re: [R] Help with plotting a line that is multicoloured based on levels of a factor

2011-03-28 Thread Pam Allen
Thank you Jim and David for your help. The 'levels' call is not a misdirection, in my actual dataset it is necessary because the flows aren't symmetrical. So while your solution is quite elegant David, it doesn't apply to my actual data, just the example. Too bad, it's quite nice! I do

Re: [R] Help with plotting a line that is multicoloured based on levels of a factor

2011-03-25 Thread Pam Allen
Hello Baptiste and others, I tried your example with my dataset, and for a few days I thought it worked for me. But I realized yesterday that the result wasn't quite what I hoped for. In my actual data the flows aren't perfectly sinusoidal, and I used a series of ifelse queries to code the

Re: [R] Help with plotting a line that is multicoloured based on levels of a factor

2011-03-25 Thread Pam Allen
Hello again, I wrote an example that better represents my data, since the coloured points are actually consecutive, but with variable lengths: date=as.Date(c(1:300)) flow=sin(2*pi/53*c(1:300)) levels=c(rep(c(high,med,low),100)) data=cbind.data.frame(date, flow, levels) library(zoo) z -