Hello list
Is there a way of identifying from within R whether a script has been source(d)
from Rgui.exe or via Rscript.exe in batch mode?
For the code I have I use the commandArgs() function to pick up command line
args when running in batch mode via Rscript.exe
However I like to get the code
I would like to source an R script from within a C# .Net application equivalent
I can get this to run but am not sure how to retrieve R objects defined with
script my_r_code.r at runtime.
For example, if "my_r_code.r" contains
#-- contents of my_r_code.r---
I would like to use SNOW to parallelise some computations to be made on columns
of a data frame, using different parameter values for each SNOW "worker".
I gather(?) clusterMap() is the appropriate SNOW function to do something like
this. I suspect the problem lies in the fact that I am
Hello R-help
I am having a curious problem. I am using a batch file to call an R script and
am getting an error when performing a lm() fit using factorial data only when
running in batch mode (see below). I do not get the error when executing the
same code in GUI mode in R 2.10.1. Nor do I g
Hello list
I am trying to use a Googlemaps tile (png file, 640 X 640 px tile) as a
background to a plot and have been using the rgdal library to read in the PNG
file (modified from code in the RGoogleMaps package). This works OK. My
problem is is that the SGDF2PCT function in rgdal seems to b
Hello All
I have just tried to install the ReadImages packge in R but am getting an error
message stating:
"This application has failedt to start because jpeg62.dll was not found.
Re-installing the application may fix this problem"
and at the R prompt this error message gets returned:
> loca
Dear R mailing list
I would like some help on how to get R to display the same number of
significant digits (?) for *all* tick marks on axis labels (yet be flexible
enough to handle different data sets that vary by 10-1000X).
Consider this simple example:
x <- seq
Hello R-help
I am having trouble getting gls to find the R objects that comprise a linear
model when the data=named.object option(option!) is not specified. In the
gls() help it states data is "an optional data frame containing the variables
named in model, correlation, weights, and subset. By
Hello R-Help
I have a question about the "behind the scenes" behaviour of the Rscript -e
command and particularly its interaction with Sweave and tempdir().
We are trying to deploy R as a web service to do water quality analyses and
have been writing software to call Sweave via Rscript eg:
Hello R mailing list
We are trying to use R and Sweave, running as a web service on a server
to prepare statistical reports but are having problems with our
anti-virus software apparently prohibiting execution due to what we
think is Sweave trying to run an executable in one of the system's
Hello R list
I was intending to use a cat statement within Sweave code chunks that
generate greaphs to generate a readme.txt file listing all the figures
generated with a brief caption along the lines of:
desired format of "readme.txt"
figure1.eps caption for
Hi R mailing list
Does anyone know of a good way to conditionally evaluate R code chunks
when Sweaveing?
What I'd kind of like to be able to do is set a number of variables in a
list and if variable.a=TRUE then process code chunk labelled "methodA",
if variable.b=TRUE then process code chunk labe
Hello R mailing list
Is there a better way than this to see if an element exists *within* a
list object :
#generate "file.txt" using current routine
#load file to a list called "ipf"
f <- function(.file){source(.file,local=TRUE);as.list(environment())}
Hello R help list
I have been using the smoothScatter function within the "geneplotter"
package to make some graphs using a Sweave Rnw script called via Rscript
in a DOS/Windows batch file. The Rscript will ultimately be called by a
web service with time-out constraints, hence things need to run
I am using Sweave to generate some pdf reports using R on a Windows
platform and would like to control the output directory that the
generated .tex file goes to. Basically I use the following commands in
a batch file:
set outdir=c:/output/1234
Rscript -e Sweave('C:/pathpathpath/script.Rn
Hello R-help List
I am writing some R scripts to create graphs of water quality trends
that will be called by a web service running R. The axis titles will
need to change as the input data (ie. water quality variable) changes
according to a user's choice made via a web page. The way I am
Hello R help
I have been trying to use Rob Hyndman's monotonically increasing spline
function. But like another user or two seem have a problem with a
missing DLL (namely "spline_coef"). None of the previous help postings
seemed to have any solutions to this problem. As per a Ripley
17 matches
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