Dear collegues,

I´ ve worked with near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to assess chemical,
physical, mechanical and anatomical properties of wood.

I use "The Unscrambler" software to correlate the matrix of dependent
variables (Y) with the matrix of spectral data (X) and I would like to
migrate to R. The matrix of spectral variables is very large (2345 columns
and n lines, where n = samples), so we used Partial Least Squares Regression
to predict a variable y (content of cellulose, for instance) based on the
spectral variables, which are the NIR wavelengths.

I am new here (since jan2009) and up to now, I not seen anyone commenting
about principal component analysis and regression PLS to analyze spectral
information in R system. Sorry, I am a R starter...

Anybody have any package, or trick to suggest me?

Grateful for yours information!
Paulo Ricardo Gherardi Hein
PhD candidate at University of Montpellier 2
CIRAD - PERSYST Department
Research unit: Production and Processing of Tropical Woods - TA B-40/16
73 rue Jean-François Breton 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
phone: +33 4 67 61 44 51
skype: paulo_hein

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