Hi Hugo,
I've been able to replicate your bug, including for other distributions (runif, 
rexp, rgamma, etc) which shouldn't be surprising since they're probably all 
drawing from the same pseudo-random number generator.  Interestingly, it does 
not seem to depend on the choice of seed, I am not sure why that is the case.
I'll point out first of all that the R-devel mailing list is perhaps better 
suited for this query, I'm fairly sure we're supposed to direct bug reports, 
etc there.
It is possible this is a known quantity but is tolerated, I could think of many 
reasons why that might be the case, not least of which being that as far as I 
know, the vast majority of Monte Carlo methods involve >>40 trials (which seems 
to be enough for the effect to disappear), with the possible exception of 
procedures for testing the power of statistical tests on small samples?
There might be more to be said, but I thought I'd just add what I could from 
playing around with it a little bit.
For anyone who wishes to give it a try, I suggest this implementation of the 
autocorrelation tester which is about 80 times faster:
DistributionAutocorrelation_new <- function(SampleSize)    {
    Cor <- replicate(1e5, function() {X <- rnorm(SampleSize)    
return(cor(X[-1], X[-length(X)]))})    return(Cor)}
I have the same Stats package version installed.
- (Thomas) William BellHons BSc Candidate (Biology and Mathematics)BA Candidate 
(Philosophy)McMaster University
# Hi,# # # I just noticed the following bug:#   #   When we draw a random 
sample using the function stats::rnorm, there # should be not auto-correlation 
in the sample. But their is some # auto-correlation _when the sample that is 
drawn is small_.# # I describe the problem using two functions:#   #   
DistributionAutocorrelation_Unexpected which as the wrong behavior : #   _when 
drawing some small samples using rnorm, there is generally a # strong negative 
auto-correlation in the sample_.# # and# # DistributionAutocorrelation_Expected 
which illustrate the expected behavior# # # # *Unexpected : *#   #   
DistributionAutocorrelation_Unexpected = function(SampleSize){#     Cor = NULL# 
    for(repetition in 1:1e5){#       X = rnorm(SampleSize)#       
Cor[repetition] = cor(X[-1],X[-length(X)])#     }#     return(Cor)#   }# # 
par(mfrow=c(3,3))# for(SampleSize_ in c(4,5,6,7,8,10,15,20,50)){#   
 #   ; abline(v=0,col=2)# }# # output:#   #   #   *Expected**:*#   #   
DistributionAutocorrelation_Expected = function(SampleSize){#     Cor = NULL#   
  for(repetition in 1:1e5){#       X = rnorm(SampleSize)#       *    
Cor[repetition] = cor(sample(X[-1]),sample(X[-length(X)]))*#     }#     
return(Cor)#   }# # par(mfrow=c(3,3))# for(SampleSize_ in 
 #   ; abline(v=0,col=2)# }# # # # # Some more information you might need:#   # 
  #   packageDescription("stats")# Package: stats# Version: 3.5.1# Priority: 
base# Title: The R Stats Package# Author: R Core Team and contributors 
worldwide# Maintainer: R Core Team <r-c...@r-project.org>#   Description: R 
statistical functions.# License: Part of R 3.5.1# Imports: utils, grDevices, 
graphics# Suggests: MASS, Matrix, SuppDists, methods, stats4# NeedsCompilation: 
yes# Built: R 3.5.1; x86_64-pc-linux-gnu; 2018-07-03 02:12:37 UTC; unix# # 
Thanks for correcting that.# # fill free to ask any further information you 
would need.# # cheers,# # hugo# # # -- #   - no title specified# # Hugo 
Mathé-Hubert# # ATER# # Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Environnements 
Continentaux (LIEC)# # UMR 7360 CNRS -  Bât IBISE# # Université de Lorraine  -  
UFR SciFA# # 8, Rue du Général Delestraint# # F-57070 METZ# # +33(0)9 77 21 66 
66# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -#   Les réflexions naissent dans les 
doutes et meurent dans les certitudes. # Les doutes sont donc un signe de force 
et les certitudes un signe de # faiblesse. La plupart des gens sont pourtant 
certains du contraire.# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -#   Thoughts appear 
from doubts and die in convictions. Therefore, doubts # are an indication of 
strength and convictions an indication of weakness. # Yet, most people believe 
the opposite.
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