Hi all,
I wonder if it's possible to include a double interaction in a GAM formula.
If I do this:
mod=gam(energy~s(size, *by=color, by=sex*, k=5) + temperature, ...)
I get the interaction betwen size*color and size*sex.
But I need size*color*sex, being size a smoother.
I've created a n
I'm analysing some fish biological traits with a gam in mgcv. After several
tries, I got this model
log(tle) = sexcolor + s(doy, bs = "cc", by = sexcolor) +log(tl)
sexcolor is a factor with 4 levels
doy is "day of year", which is modeled as a smoother
tl is "total length of the fish"
The sum
Hi. I'm trying to add some vertical lines to an xyplot in which x axis is a
temporal variable (class=dates) and y axis a factor variable.
This is my code:
xyplot(factor(Abacus$Emisor)~Abacus$Dia,xlab="Date", ylab="Fish",pch=124,
scales=list(x=list(format="%b %Y",tick.number=30))
, panel=function(
3 matches
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