Hello, I am using the R2Bayesx package to fit a GAM to time-series data and
then using this model to extrapolate beyond the extent of the time-series. The
prediction.bayesx function works quite well to predict the series, but does not
seem to provide uncertainty estimates for the prediction. The
I am fitting GAMs using mgcv. My models have both linear and functional
effects, for instance:
b<-gam(y~s(x0)+s(x1)+s(x2)+s(x3) + x4 + as.factor(x5),data=dat)
I would like to extract the proportion of deviance explained by a single
term in the model, for instance, s(x1).
Having read thro
I'm running a multimodel analysis which involves fitting several GAM models
as implemented in package mgcv. The issue I'm having is that when I try to
fit my model, gam gives me the following error message: 'Error in
initial.sp(w * X, S, off) : S[[2]] matrix is not +ve definite.' The stra
Hello all; My question is part statistical and part R.
I have performed model II major axis regression in R using both the smatr()
and lmodel2() packages, but neither offers an option to statistically weight
my regression. I have a vector of weights which I would like to apply to
each of my regr
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