Re: [R] R 2.9.2 memory max - object vector size

2009-09-11 Thread gug
At the risk of stating the obvious: - rm(.) # clears specific objects out of memory as soon as they're no longer needed in the routine. - sapply(ls(), function(x) object.size(get(x))) #lists all objects with the memory each is using. - rm(list=ls()) #clears out all objects, e.g.

Re: [R] Simple time series questions

2009-09-11 Thread gug
Thanks - that works great. Do you have any suggestions about the grid() problem - i.e. that the vertical gridlines do not line up with the x-axis tickmarks (which are years)? I can't see on what basis the vertical gridlines are being positioned, but it doesn't look good that they are not lined

[R] Simple time series questions

2009-09-11 Thread gug
I'm sure this is a really simple problem, but I've spent hours digging and I keep running into roadblocks. I'm trying to get a simple chart with three time series. Similar to the attached example Excel+chart+example.pdf ,

Re: [R] Problems with Boxplot

2009-09-05 Thread gug
Hi Petr, Thanks for these comments. I'm sorry that my post was not clear. I was referring to the questions in my original post/code/file uploads, but I had forgotten to include an updated file (now attached Post+trial+data.csv ) to

Re: [R] Problems with Boxplot

2009-09-03 Thread gug
(lightblue, salmon), las =1, boxwex = 0.5) legend(top, c(Label for blue boxes,Label for red boxes), cex=1.5, lty=1:2, fill=c(lightblue, salmon), bty=n); title(main=Chart title text, cex.main = 1.8) grid() Guy gug wrote: Hello, I have been having difficulty getting boxplot to give the output I

[R] Problems with Boxplot

2009-09-02 Thread gug
Hello, I have been having difficulty getting boxplot to give the output I want - probably a result of the way I have been handling the data. The data is arranged in columns: each date has two sets of data. The number of data points varies with the date, so each column is of different length.

Re: [R] How to list R object properties save workspace?

2009-07-23 Thread gug
Hi Matej, You can also try: sapply(ls(), function(x) object.size(get(x))) or eapply(.GlobalEnv, object.size) which list all objects - as with ls() - but giving their sizes. I'm also quite new to R so am not sure which other properties you could hope to get out of it, but by substituting

[R] Clearing out or reclaiming memory

2009-06-30 Thread gug
Hello, Is there a command for freeing up the memory used by R in holding data tables? The structure of the procedure I have is as follows: 1) Read multiple txt files in using read.table(...). 2) Combine the read tables using rbind(...). 3) Attach the data using attach(...) and then use do a

Re: [R] Clearing out or reclaiming memory

2009-06-30 Thread gug
Thanks - that's great. A combination of object.size, rm and gc seems to be enough for me to work out what was causing the problem and then get beyond it. In particular, using rm on the result of the multiple regression seems to make a big difference: it wasn't obvious to me before, but of

Re: [R] Clearing out or reclaiming memory

2009-06-30 Thread gug
Thanks to everyone who has posted. These posts have really helped me to budge forward my understanding of R, as well as giving me a couple of new areas that I still need to work on. These (below) won't be news to the people who have posted, but for anyone who is in my position, here are a

[R] Warning messages when using rbind

2009-06-21 Thread gug
Hello, I have been using a very simple rbind approach (simple enough for me to understand) to combine data files within R. It seems to work fine, but then generates warning messages for reasons that I can't begin to understand. The text below shows the issue.

[R] Maximum number of tables combined with rbind

2009-06-20 Thread gug
Hello, I have been using read.table to read data files into R, then rbind to combine them into one table. The column headings are all identical, so it should be straightforward, and it seems to be working well so far. My question is: What is the maximum number of tables that can be combined

Re: [R] Maximum number of tables combined with rbind

2009-06-20 Thread gug
Thanks David - you're right, PC is not very informative. I am using XP Home with 4GB, though I don't think XP accesses more than 3GB. From following through the FAQ's and memory functions (e.g. memory.limit(size = NA)) it looks like R is getting about 1535Mb at the moment. David Winsemius

[R] Getting started,

2009-03-26 Thread gug
Hello, First of all, I'm new to R and I don't have anyone who already knows the language to ask for tips, so please excuse my ignorance. I'm trying to download data direct from the Federal Reserve statistics website and graph it, using the following: #This downloads the data from the