[R] How to use ggplot2

2014-11-26 Thread jarod...@libero.it
Dear All!! I'll try to plot a barplot using aggplot2 head(alt) as.factor.data...7..Col ColMat Fastq miseq 1 189158158158104 2 190 54272 54272 54272 32122 3 191 301574 301574 301574 152625 4 192 161620

[R] Problem on annotation of Deseq2 on reportingtools

2014-11-16 Thread jarod...@libero.it
Dear all!, I use this code: dds - DESeq(ddHTSeq) res -results(dds) #reporting library(ReportingTools) library(org.Hs.eg.db) des2Report - HTMLReport(shortName ='RNAseq_analysis_DESeq2.html',title ='RNA-seq analysis of differential expression using DESeq2 ',reportDirectory = ./Reports)

[R] Information Frequency problem calculation

2013-10-07 Thread jarod...@libero.it
Dear All, I Have a dataframe like that: Name1 Name2 category mauro francesco E234 luca giuseppe E5578 luca franco E5569 maria luca E4556 ... I would like to calculate the frequency of many time in my data I found in the list name: a-read.table(pippo.csv,header=T,sep=\t)