[R] Bifactor model and infit statistics?

2019-04-11 Thread kende jan via R-help
Goodafternoon, I amcurrently in the process of calibrating an item bank using a GPCM model. So, amI right to assume that the bifactor model allows me to work with my generalfactor by assimilating it to a one-factor model, without taking into account groupfactors? That is, I can estimate my

[R] Linear regression with tranformed dependant variable

2017-10-23 Thread kende jan via R-help
Dear all, I am trying to fit a multiple linear regression model with a transformed dependant variable (the normality assumption was not verified...).  I have realised a sqrt(variable) transformation... The results are great, but I don't know how to interprete the beta coefficients... Is it

[R] svyciprop object

2016-05-06 Thread kende jan via R-help
Hi, I'd like to access to the different elements in a svyciprop object (to the confidence intervals in particular...). But none of the functions I know works.Thank you for your help ! > grr <- svyciprop(~temp==bzz, dclus1)> grr                               2.5%   > 97.5%temp == bzz 0.040719697

[R] problem of interpretation using mediation package

2016-01-20 Thread kende jan
Dear all, I am using the package mediation in order to perform a parametric mediation analysis on survival data. I have 8 variables: - Mediator - Treat - time (days) - death (event) - X1-X4 (confounding variables) I ran the following code to estimate the causal mediation effects. med.m =

[R] mirt package error in ESTIMATION...

2013-05-17 Thread kende jan
Hello everyone, I am trying to undertake an item bifactor analysis of graded response data from a questionnaire. I am using the mirt package, especially the bfactor function.My dataset is called data.items, it contains about 2000 observations and 31 variables (variables represent the items in

[R] Triangular Test

2012-02-20 Thread kende jan
Hello, I would like to perform triangular test for clinical trial with R. can you help me please ? Jan [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the

[R] compare means

2012-01-12 Thread kende jan
Dear all,   I would compare two means between cases and controls taking into account that I have  matched 1 case to two controls. How i can do it with R. Thanks in advance  Jan [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org

[R] CART with rpart

2011-12-02 Thread kende jan
dear all, i want to keep in my data file the results of  terminal nodes (groups) after CART analysis for performing other statisticals analysis by this groups. can you help me please? thanks. jan. [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __

[R] Survival curves for case control and control

2011-11-21 Thread kende jan
Hi, I want to perform Survival curves for case and control subjects in the propensity score-matched cohort  that accounted for the clustering of matched pairs. How I can do it with R. Thanks for your help, Jan [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

[R] Transitions probability comparison

2011-02-27 Thread kende jan
Hello, I am training to use the changeLOS package. Using data provided in this package (los.data), I want to compare transition probability P01 and P03 like the Kaplan-Meier Method.Can someone help me ? Thank you. Jan data(los.data) my.observ - prepare.los.data(x=los.data) my.model -

[R] changeLOS package use

2011-02-24 Thread kende jan
Hello, I am training to use the changeLOS package. Using data provided in this package (los.data), I want to generate a new plot with overlaying 2 curves of transition probability P01 and P03 and also statistically compare the two curves like the Kaplan-Meier Method.Can someone help me ?

[R] Proportions comparison

2011-02-08 Thread kende jan
Dear all, I want to compare two proportions of disease in two populations : group 1 (1200/15000) and group 2 (26/650). However I would take into account the number of physicians involved in each group G1 (1600 physicians) and G2 (1.6 million). Please can someone can help me ?

[R] Meta-analysis question

2010-10-08 Thread kende jan
Dear all, I am trying to do meta-analysis of continuous outcome data. Twelve studies are selected but for six of them, i have only p-values and the six other means and standard deviation for the two groups (Experimental and Control). How can I do with R to take into account p-values and/or

[R] binary logistic regression taking account clustering

2010-05-01 Thread kende jan
Hello I would like to perform with R, a binary logistic regression analysis taking account clustering (A randomized trial into 2 groups, patients within 50 hospitals): y (0,1) is the outcome x1, x2 indivifdual’s characteristics x3,x4 hospitals’ characteristics. Thanks in advance Jan

[R] Generate Numbers

2010-04-04 Thread kende jan
Hello, How can I generate randomly in R a sample of skewed data with first quartile is 540 and third quartile is 715. I need a sample of 100 cases. Thank you for your help Jan [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __

[R] Error in solve.default peforming Competing risk regression

2009-10-27 Thread kende jan
Dear all, I am trying to use the crr function in the cmprsk package version 2.2 to analyse 198 observations.I have receive the error in solve.default. Can anyone give me some insights into where the problem is? Thanks here is my script : cov=cbind(x1,x2) z-crr(ftime,fstatus,cov)) and data

[R] Competing risk regression error in solve.default

2009-10-26 Thread kende jan
Dear all, I am trying to use the crr function in the cmprsk package version 2.2 to analyse 198 observations.I have receive the error in solve.default. Can anyone give me some insights into where the problem is? Thanks here is my script and in attached file my data. cov=cbind(x1,x2)

[R] Competing Risks Regression with qualitative predictor with more than 2 categories

2009-08-02 Thread kende jan
Hello, I have a question regarding competing risk regression using cmprsk package (function crr()). I am using R2.9.1. How can I do to assess the effect of qualitative predictor (gg) with more than two categories (a,b,c) categorie c is the reference category. See above results, gg is considered

[R] Cuminc Plot

2009-07-09 Thread kende jan
Dear All, here is the example for cumulative incidence analysis with cmprsk package: set.seed(2) ss - rexp(100) gg - factor(sample(1:3,100,replace=TRUE),1:3,c('a','b','c')) cc - sample(0:2,100,replace=TRUE) strt - sample(1:2,100,replace=TRUE) print(xx - cuminc(ss,cc,gg,strt))

[R] Error in Comprting Risks Regression

2008-11-27 Thread kende jan
Dear All, I am trying to run the following function (a CRR=Competing Risks Regressionmodel) and receive the error in solve.default. Can anyone give me some insights into where the problem is? Thanks print(z-crr(J3500,CD3500,cov)) Error in solve.default(v[[1]]) : Lapack routine dgesv :

[R] Bland-Altman method to measure agreement with repeated measures

2008-07-05 Thread kende jan
Dear all, I want to use the Bland-Altman method to measure agreement with repeated measures collected over period of time (seven periods). How can I do this with R Many thanks _ o.fr

[R] spline

2008-04-22 Thread kende jan
dear all, I have a problem about spline, when I send this: library(mgcv) attach(SG2) modele3 - gam(J15STATUS~SWANG1+s(AGE)+ s  (SP2),data=SG2,family=binomial) it doesen't work et it says: Erreur dans get(.Random.seed,envir=.GlobalEnv) variable.Random.seed introuvable Thanks a lot