I am trying to run this loop but it keeps coming up with the following error:
'Error: no function to return from, jumping to top level'
n.simul <- 1000
A <- {for(i in 1:12){{
nT <- rpois(n.simul, T[i])
nP <- rpois(n.simul, P[i])
nD <- rpois(n.simul, D[i])
nC <- rbinom(n.simul, nT, C[i])
Score <-
I am currently looking at rugby scores and I have predicted 'T', 'C', 'P' and
'D' by using the predict function for a weekend of results.
score <-5*T + 2*C + 3*P+ 3*Dr
So the output from the score function above is 12 values, as follows. Where
1 to 12 represent the teams involved in the ga
We are working on trying to find how well glm models fit our set of sports
results. We want to consider the following two models and work out which one
fits the data better:
(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
Null deviance: 321.46 on 269 deg
I've tried to create a loop for the following code but have failed miserably.
This is what the code is:
sqrt(prediction.SE[1]^2 + prediction.SE[50]^2))
Sorry that post was written in a bit if a rush.
I am writing a function in which I am trying to create a league table from a
data frame of rugby matches with the columns as follows: home team, away
team, home score and away score.
In rugby you can get an extra bonus point if you are the losing te
I want to perform two if functions at the same time:
if(home team > away team & home team <= away team + 7) in R but i am
struggling to work out how to write this correctly.
Thanks for any help.
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In reply to the first comment: it isn't homework and is in fact to do with a
betting system I am investigating for my own interest.
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I am working on predicitng the scores for a days worth of matches of team
sports. I have already collected data for the teams for the season we are
concentrating on.
I have been fitting poisson models for football games and have worked out
what model is best and which predictor variables are most
I'm using a histogram and want to overlay this onto a barplot. I need the
histogram lines to be thicker in order for it to stand out more on top of
the barplot. Is there a command in order to do this?
Thanks in advance.
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We have a histogram of our observed response and we want to overlay the
corresponding poisson distribution with respect to our poisson model.
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