Re: [R] Error in inherits(x, "data.frame") : subscript out of bounds

2010-03-13 Thread kloytyno
Lainaus "Uwe Ligges" : On 05.03.2010 15:24, wrote: Hi, I have a list p with different size dataframes and length of over 8000. I'm trying to calculate correlations between the rows of dataframes of this list and columns of another dataset (type data.frame also) so t

[R] Error in inherits(x, "data.frame") : subscript out of bounds

2010-03-05 Thread kloytyno
Hi, I have a list p with different size dataframes and length of over 8000. I'm trying to calculate correlations between the rows of dataframes of this list and columns of another dataset (type data.frame also) so that first column is correlated with all the rows in the list dataframe. Some