[R] lme: NaNs in hierarchical model

2008-09-19 Thread melanie.r
Dear R-users, I'm somehow new to the topic of mixed models. I'd liked to simulate data with a specific correlation-structure and analyze it with lme(). I have a fixed effect (group) and a random effect (block): ygroup block -5.2158969-2 1 -2.4174197-2 1 -2.673

[R] simulate data for lme

2008-07-08 Thread melanie.r
hi. i did some research first, but didn't find what i was looking for... the thing is: i generated data with correlated errors and simulated the power with using aov(). what i wanna do now is something similar while using lme(), so that the corr-structure will be paid attention to. i'm not quite