is it possible to map 2 plots(c and d) in a single output plot?
c <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(qsec, wt))
d <- ggplot (mtcars, aes(qsec, wt))
c + stat_smooth(fill="darkgrey", colour="blue", size=2, alpha = 0.2)
d + stat_smooth(fill="darkgrey", colour="red", size=2, alpha = 0.2)
For every specific V1 and V4 pair (ex:A and P) calculate Linear regression of
V3(y-axis) and V2(x-axis)
and print p value along with the pair (output).
V1 V2 V3 V4
A 1 2.5 P
A 2 2.8 P
A 3 3.2 P
A 2 1.1 Q
Hi Ben it's working good except no values of 4th column in output.
And also if the file is large I'm getting the following error.
Error in pf(q, df1, df2, lower.tail, log.p) :
Non-numeric argument to mathematical function
I rechecked if I have any non numeric arguments the defined columns.
snpid indid genotypegvariable probeid genegeneexpression
rs1040480 CHB_NA18524 C/T 2 GI_19743926-I PTPRT 5.850586
rs1040480 CHB_NA18526 C/C 1 GI_19743926-I PTPRT 6.028641
rs1040480 CHB_NA18529 C/C 3
a1 is the first key in input. second column is x-axis and 3rd is y-axis and
4th is its corresponding key.
Now for every key in 1st column I would like to calculate LR that gives p
value. I tried to manage with a single key. But my problem is that How could
I manage multiple keys in input.
Thanx in
> require(lattice)
Loading required package: lattice
Error in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE,
logical.return = TRUE, :
'lattice' is not a valid installed package
> library(lattice)
Error in library(lattice) : 'lattice' is not a valid installed package
I got th
I almost wasted 3 hours to make lattice functions work. :(. Phew!
I installed package lattice, lattice extra and other supportive packages to
use functions
1.make.groups 2.forplot 3.xyplot.
I also tried local installing. They are installing very well but not
working? Any one have any idea why R
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