[R] Cross validation for Ordinary Kriging

2011-01-06 Thread pearl may dela cruz
ear ALL, The last part of my thesis analysis is the cross validation. Right now I am having difficulty using the cross validation of gstat. Below are my commands with the tsport_ace as the variable: nfold - 3 part - sample(1:nfold, 69, replace = TRUE) sel - (part != 1) m.model - x2[sel, ]

[R] Prediction error for Ordinary Kriging

2011-01-05 Thread pearl may dela cruz
Hi ALL, Can you please help me on how to determine the prediction error for ordinary kriging?Below are all the commands i used to generate the OK plot: rsa2 - readShapeSpatial(residentialsa, CRS(+proj=tmerc +lat_0=39.66 +lon_0=-8.1319062 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl

[R] Convert tileplot's trellis to shapefile/ Add values to voronoi polygon

2010-12-16 Thread pearl may dela cruz
I would like to create a voronoi map that can show me point values like the ones in colum street_cle. I was able to do it in tileplot(latticeExtra) like the ones attached, and with the following commands: xy=list(x=x2$X, y=x2$Y) xy$street_cle - x2$street_cle tileplot(street_cle~ x*y, xy)