[R] Object Browser

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
Dear all, I have tried all the popular R IDE or editors like Eclipse, Komodo, JGR, Revolution... They all have fancy fucntions like auto completion, syntax highlight BUT, I JUST WANT A OBJECT BROWSER! The easiest way to view objects in R console is fix(), but you have no global view of

[R] Can you turn a string into a (working) symbol?

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
Dear folks-- Suppose I have an expression that evaluates to a string, and that that string, were it not a character vector, would be a symbol. I would like a function, call it doppel(), that will take that expression as an argument and produce something that functions exactly like the symbol

[R] Conjoint Analysis in R??

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
Pls advise how I can use R in conjoint analysis?? regds Faisal Afzal Siddiqui Karachi, Pakistan Looking for last minute shopping deals? - TO GET MORE DETAILS CLICK HERE -- View this

[R] postForm() in RCurl and library RHTMLForms

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
Hi RUsers, Suppose I want to see the data on the website url - http://www.nseindia.com/content/indices/ind_histvalues.htm; for the index SP CNX NIFTY for dates FromDate=01-11-2010,ToDate=02-11-2010 then read the html table from the page using readHTMLtable() I am using this code webpage

[R] Stepwise analysis with fixed variables

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
Hello, How can I run a backward stepwise regression with part of the variables fixed, while the others participate in the backward stepwise analysis? Thank you - TO GET MORE DETAILS CLICK HERE -- View this message in context:

[R] Reading PDF files

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
I need to do text mining on PDF files. I understand there is a readPDF command in tm that can be used. Have read the 2008 posts on converting PDF files to text by Tony Breyal and others. Wondering if the procedure has been standardized in any tutorial or otherwise? Being new to R, I was

[R] Problems with nls

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
I'm trying to fit the Bass Diffusion Model using the nls function in R but I'm running into a strange problem. The model has either two or three parameters, depending on how it's parameterized, p (coefficient of innovation), q (coefficient of immitation), and sometimes m (maximum market

[R] postForm() in RCurl and library RHTMLForms

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
Hi RUsers, Suppose I want to see the data on the website url - http://www.nseindia.com/content/indices/ind_histvalues.htm; for the index SP CNX NIFTY for dates FromDate=01-11-2010,ToDate=02-11-2010 then read the html table from the page using readHTMLtable() I am using this code webpage

[R] Sullivan, Timmerman and White 1999: TA rules, and R

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
Friends I am trying to save myself some tedious work. I am processing a paper from The Journal Of Finance * Vol. LIV, No. 5 October 1999 by Sullivan, Timmerman and White. Data-Snooping, Technical Trading Rule Performance, and the Bootstrap I am aiming to reproduce their results using

[R] e1071 SVM: Cross-validation error confusion matrix

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
Hi, I ran two svm models in R e1071 package: the first without cross-validation and the second with 10-fold cross-validation. I used the following syntax: #Model 1: Without cross-validation: svm.model - svm(Response ~ ., data=data.df, type=C-classification, kernel=linear, cost=1)

[R] Problems of metafile plots when converting word to pdf file

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
Hi all, I copy metafile boxplot from R to Word. Then save as Pdf file. But I found there are some unexpected black lines in some plots within this PDF file. Please give me some advice how to get rid of these black lines in PDF files. Thanks a lot, Jim - TO GET MORE DETAILS CLICK

[R] RMySQL install on windows

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
I have been trying to install RMySQL on Windows 7 following the procedure at: http://biostat.mc.vanderbilt.edu/wiki/Main/RMySQL I think I have properly installed RTools and created a proper Renviron.site file saying: MYSQL_HOME=C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.5 When I try to install

[R] Object Browser

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
What's the best object browser? Dear all, I have tried all the popular R IDE or editors like Eclipse, Komodo, JGR, Revolution... They all have fancy fucntions like auto completion, syntax highlight BUT, I JUST WANT A OBJECT BROWSER! The easiest way to view objects in R console is

[R] Linking C/C++ GUI to R.dll

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
Hi, I am in the process of linking a C/C++ application to the R.dll directly. I have obtained the R source code and compiled it successfully. I have also successfully linked the R.dll directly into our application and have made calls successfully into the R.dll that are included in the

[R] Sullivan, Timmerman and White 1999: TA rules, and R

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
Friends I am trying to save myself some tedious work. I am processing a paper from The Journal Of Finance * Vol. LIV, No. 5 October 1999 by Sullivan, Timmerman and White. Data-Snooping, Technical Trading Rule Performance, and the Bootstrap I am aiming to reproduce their results using

[R] residual and null deviance of an lme object with correlation structure

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
Hello, I am attempting to calculate the residual and null deviance of an lme object that includes a corAR1 correlation structure. I tried deviance(lme.object) and it only returned NULL. Can anyone help? Thank you. - TO GET MORE DETAILS CLICK HERE -- View this message in

[R] finding index of maximum value in vector

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
I found: max.col(matrix(c(1,3,2),nrow=1)) Is there a more concise/elegant way? Thanks, - TO GET MORE DETAILS CLICK HERE -- View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/finding-index-of-maximum-value-in-vector-tp4651663.html Sent from the R help mailing list

[R] Fitting binomial lmer-model, high deviance and low logLik

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
Hello I have a problem when fitting a mixed generalised linear model with the lmer-function in the Matrix package, version 0.98-7. I have a respons variable (sfox) that is 1 or 0, whether a roe deer fawn is killed or not by red fox. This is expected to be related to e.g. the density of red

[R] Hmisc latex cell background color

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
Dear latex/R-Sweavers, Using the codel below, I can color text in individual cells for latex output. Is there a similar way to get a background shading? My attempts failed because I did not get the closing brace at the right place with Hmisc/latex. library(Hmisc) x -

[R] Kalman Filter Forecast using 'SSPIR'

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
Dear R Users, I am new to state-space modeling. I am using SSPIR package for Kalman Filter. I have a data set containing one dependent variable and 7 independent variables with 250 data points. I want to use Kalman Filter for forecast the future values of the

[R] Fitting binomial lmer-model, high deviance and low logLik

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
Hello I have a problem when fitting a mixed generalised linear model with the lmer-function in the Matrix package, version 0.98-7. I have a respons variable (sfox) that is 1 or 0, whether a roe deer fawn is killed or not by red fox. This is expected to be related to e.g. the density of red

[R] How to simulate correlated data

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
Hello there, I would like to simulate X --Normal (20, 5) Y-- Normal (40, 10) and the correlation between X and Y is 0.6. How do I do it in R? Thank you very much - TO GET MORE DETAILS CLICK HERE -- View this message in context:

[R] concatenating expressions and standard text

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
Hi all, is it possible to concatenate expressions and basic text when for instance labeling axis of a plot? I would like to see something like the concatenation of expression(C[0]) and for case 1 on my x axis. Obviously a plot(x, y, xlab=paste(expression(C[0]), in case1)) will not work.

Re: [R] superimpose density line over hist

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
Romain == Romain Francois [hidden email] on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 15:40:59 +0100 writes: Romain A few comments : Romain - your code should be reproductible, otherwise it is useless. (that Romain recommandation is on the posting guide) Romain - that

Re: [R] Labeling a range of bars in barplot?

2012-12-02 Thread rahul143
Marc Schwartz (via MN) wrote: On Tue, 2005-12-13 at 10:53 +, Dan Bolser wrote: Hi, I am plotting a distribution of (ordered) values as a barplot. I would like to label groups of bars together to highlight aspects of the distribution. The label for the group should be the range of values