Re: [R] quantreg Wald-Test

2012-08-03 Thread stefan23
He folks, Thank you very much so far. Of course this forum is not intended to be a substitute for reading the literature, maybe I just posed the question in a way to general. I understand that rq.anovar produces the wald-test proposed in Tests of Linear Hypotheses and L1 Estimation (Koenker,

[R] quantreg Wald-Test

2012-07-28 Thread stefan23
Dear all, I know that my question is somewhat special but I tried several times to solve the problems on my own but I am unfortunately not able to compute the following test statistic using the quantreg package. Well, here we go, I appreciate every little comment or help as I really do not know

[R] Quantile Regression - Testing for Non-causalities in quantiles

2012-07-15 Thread stefan23
Dear all, I am searching for a way to compute a test comparable to Chuang et al. (Causality in Quantiles and Dynamic Stock Return-Volume Relations). The aim of this test is to check wheter the coefficient of a quantile regression granger-causes Y in a quantile range. I have nearly computed

[R] R quantreg - symmetry test - bootstrap SE

2012-05-29 Thread stefan23
He folks, I want to use quantile regression for doing a test of symmetrie of a distribution. Following Buchinsky I want to test, whether the square of \tau = \beta(p)+\beta(1-p)-2*\beta(0.5) (\beta(\tau) is the estimated slope parameter for quantile \tau).Unfortunately I do not know how to

[R] R quantreg - supWald Test

2012-05-28 Thread stefan23
He folks=) I am trying to compute a supWald Test in R, trying to show that a subset of my regressors is significantly different from 0 but I am not able to compute this test. My sample looks as follows: I am regressing fit1 - (Y~X1+X2+X3,tau=tau). I know that if I want to show that e.g. X2 is

[R] R quantreg anova: How to change summary se-type

2012-05-28 Thread stefan23
He folks=) I want to check whether a coefficient has an impact on a quantile regression (by applying the sup-wald test for a given quantile range [0.05,0.95]. Therefore I am doing the following calculations: a=0; for (i in 5:95/100){ fitrestricted=rq(Y~X1+X2,tau=i)

[R] plot(summary) quantreg - Not all outputs needed

2012-05-24 Thread stefan23
Hi Folks, I am currently trying to present some results I obtained by using the quantreg package developed by Roger Koenker. After calculating fit-summary(rq(Y~X1+X2, tau=2:98/100) ) the function plot(fit) presents a really nice the results by showing the values for all regressors in the given