Re: [R] AFT model

2009-03-18 Thread tsn4867
eto" X<-matrix(rnorm(20*5,0,.1),20,5); beta1<-matrix(runif(5,.5,.5),5,1) e<-1/(1-runif(20,0,1))^(1/3)-1 y<-X%*%beta1+e status<-c(rep(0,4),rep(0,16)) survreg(Surv(y,status),dist="extreme") survreg(Surv(y,status)~X,dist=my.dist,parms=3) Thomas Lumley wrote: On Tue,

[R] AFT model

2009-03-17 Thread tsn4867
Hi, In the package survival, using the function survreg for AFT model, I only see 4 distributions for the response y: weibull, gaussian, logistic, lognormal and log-logistic, which correspond to certain distributions for the error terms. I'm wondering if there is a package or how to obta

[R] package pls

2008-10-30 Thread tsn4867
Hi, For the package "pls", I need to understand the algorithm for "" for Partial Least Squares. I'm not sure if tries to find the weight vectors (loadings) to maximize which of the two: Cov(Xw, y) or maximize Cov^2(Xw,y)? Are these objective functions equivalent? (i