Re: [R] Correlation between package output

2016-04-12 Thread Sarah Goslee
Hi Fabio, Using the first example from ?dbFD ex1 <- dbFD(dummy$trait, dummy$abun) If you look at that help page, or at str(ex1), you'll see that the returned object is a list with named components. So, you can access the different indices just as you would access any other list. If that's confus

[R] Correlation between package output

2016-04-11 Thread Fabio Monteiro
Hello I'm currently using the dbFD function of the FD package and i'm having some things that I can't do. Is there any way to check the relations between dbFD indexes? Function cor for example? I can't manage to put the informations correctly dbFD function gives a lot of output (indexes - nbsp,