[R] GLMMPQL and negbinomial: trouble with the X-axis in PREDICT

2009-10-29 Thread Erin Latham
Ahh, yes. The level made all the difference. I originally thought the level only applied to binomial response variables, so I disregarded it. And I'll just add that plot(e) below still produced an indexed x axis, so I just combined the vectors and then was able to plot the scaled variable

[R] GLMMPQL and negbinomial: trouble with the X-axis in PREDICT

2009-10-26 Thread Erin Latham
I'm having some difficulty with graphing outputs of a GLM model I've been working. I have count data for both my predictor (only 1) and response variables, and I have pseudoreplication which I've modeled as a random effect. The odTest() from pscl:: indicated that the negative binomial distribution