Re: [R] Hide Legend

2015-09-28 Thread Giorgio Garziano
library(quantmod) getSymbols("YHOO") chartSeries(YHOO, theme="white", type='line') chartSeries(YHOO, theme="white", type='line', TA=NULL) chartSeries(Cl(YHOO), theme="white", type='line') chartSeries(YHOO, theme="white", type='line', name="") chartSeries(YHOO, type='line', theme='white')

[R] Hide Legend

2015-09-28 Thread bgnumis bgnum
Hi all, I want to plot with quantmode but I want to ommit levels on Lavel, showing only Last Price, not the bands (in the case f.e. in Bollinger Bands) ¿Is it Possible? And to ommit hide all legend? I dont find docutmentation or example. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]