As a start, I'd make a matrix of zeros with the parties in rows
and all of the participants as columns and put a one for each participant
at each party. The matrix will consist of a vector for each
participant showing the parties attended. The pattern may suggest the next
step. Sim
It's not clear to me what kind of R help you are looking for. I suggest
you provide more information on the data that you have and the questions
that you want answered. Is it in an external file? Is it an R object?
What code have you written or tried? Including example data, for examp
Dear all,
I have a long list of parties and participants over many years and want
to extract network relations between people to identify groups of
friends. My list looks like this:
Party 1; date party 1; first name 1 last name 1; first name 2 last name
2; first name 3 last name 3;
Party 2;
3 matches
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