Re: [R] Why is removeSparseTerms() not doing anything?

2015-04-24 Thread John Kane Subject: [R] Why is removeSparseTerms() not doing anything? Here's the code and results.  The corpus is the text version of a single book.   (r vs. 3.2) docs - tm_map(docs, stemDocument) dtm - DocumentTermMatrix(docs) freq - colSums(as.matrix(dtm)) ord - order(freq) freq[tail

[R] Why is removeSparseTerms() not doing anything?

2015-04-22 Thread Mike
Here's the code and results.  The corpus is the text version of a single book.   (r vs. 3.2) docs - tm_map(docs, stemDocument) dtm - DocumentTermMatrix(docs) freq - colSums(as.matrix(dtm)) ord - order(freq) freq[tail(ord)] one experi will can lucid dream 287 312 363 452 1018