[R] basic inquiry regarding write.csv

2009-02-17 Thread CJ Rubio
i have a loop which looks likes this: data.info - rbind(data.info, cbind(station.id, year, date, max.discharge)) + y - split(data.info, data.info[station.id]) + for (i in names(y)) {write.csv(y[[i]], file=paste(i, .csv, sep=,))} i am wondering, where the file (which i am about to

Re: [R] basic inquiry regarding write.csv

2009-02-17 Thread ronggui
If the file is a relative path, then it should be in the working directory. Say, the working directory is E:/my_work_directory (of course, you can get it by getwd()), and you export a data frame a to csv by: write.csv(a, file=a.csv), then the file should be E:/my_work_directory/a.csv. Best

Re: [R] basic inquiry regarding write.csv

2009-02-17 Thread CJ Rubio
thanks for your reply.. is there something wrong with the code i have? because it doesn't write the file in the directory that i am using... for (i in names(y)) {write.csv(y[[i]], file=paste(i, .csv, sep=,))} thanks again.. ronggui-2 wrote: If the file is a relative path, then it

Re: [R] basic inquiry regarding write.csv

2009-02-17 Thread ronggui
So far, I cannot see any mistake, though the sep= will be more elegant that sep=,. Are you sure your working directory is E:/my_work_directory? and is there any error msg? BTW, a reproducible example will help to get better response from the list. 2009/2/18 CJ Rubio cjru...@kongju.ac.kr:

Re: [R] basic inquiry regarding write.csv

2009-02-17 Thread CJ Rubio
this is the code that i have so far: data.path - file.path (D:/documents/research/5 stations) setwd(data.path) getwd() data - dir(.) num.files - length(data) for(i in 1:num.files) { + station.id - substring(data[i], 1,8) + DF - read.table(data[i], sep=,, blank.lines.skip = TRUE) + z