Re: [R] empty files created with trellis xyplot jpeg device

2012-01-01 Thread Mike Dahman
Thanks Michael. That did the trick. Despite googling most of the day yesterday, I didn't quite have the right search string to find that one. Almost feels like the answer was hiding in plain sight, now that you point me to it. I added some code to save the xyplots to a variable and then print it

Re: [R] empty files created with trellis xyplot jpeg device

2012-01-01 Thread R. Michael Weylandt
I'm guessing R FAQ 7.22: The subtlety is that in an interactive session print is automatically called at the final evaluation of most everything, but you have to prompt it in interactive use (and depending on details, in some function calls) Michael We

[R] empty files created with trellis xyplot jpeg device

2011-12-31 Thread Mike Dahman
New years greetings. I have been setting up a function to generate multiple jpeg charts. When the calls are issued at the interactive console, the jpeg files are generated without an issue. When I try to issue the same calls from a function, some chart files are empty. It appears to only be relate