Thanks, Yihui!! This works!!
Best wishes,
On Sun, 23 Feb 2014 11:31:35 -0600 Yihui Xie wrote:
> Whenever plotmath is unable to provide what you want, you can always
> go to tikzDevice for native LaTeX support:
Whenever plotmath is unable to provide what you want, you can always
go to tikzDevice for native LaTeX support:
Here is an example:
tikz('test-math.tex', standAlone = TRUE)
plot(1, main = '$\\check{Y}$'
I am trying to put the expression which in LaTeX would be $\check Y$ as
a label on the axis of a plot.
How does one get the \check part of the above to produce a similar
symbol in plotmath in R? I looked around plotmath's help but could not
see this in the documentation.
Many thanks for any
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