Re: [R] labelCoubtries() doesn't work. Where is my mistake?

2015-01-19 Thread paladini
Hi Jim, that is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks a lot! I can even choose how to label the countries e.g. Italy or just IT. Have a nice day and thank you for helping me again Claudia Zitat von Jim Lemon Hi Claudia, You're right, when the map is maximized the

Re: [R] labelCoubtries() doesn't work. Where is my mistake?

2015-01-18 Thread paladini
Hi Jim, thanks again for your help! Yes I am using the rworldmap package. identifyCountries() works. But I am not entirley happy with this solution. You have to click on all 27 countries and when your position is not perfect you get e.g. Vatican or Monaco instead of Italy and you have to

Re: [R] labelCoubtries() doesn't work. Where is my mistake?

2015-01-18 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi Claudia, You're right, when the map is maximized the coordinates of the objects aren't maintained. I wrote a simple example using boxed.labels instead of identifyCountries: mapCountryData(mapRegion=europe, oceanCol=slateblue1, missingCountryCol=darkgrey, colourPalette=c(palegreen,darkgreen),

Re: [R] labelCoubtries() doesn't work. Where is my mistake?

2015-01-17 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi Claudia, It seems that you are using the rworldmap package. The simplest solution to your problem seems to be the identifyCountries function. Just call: identifyCountries() instead of labelCountries and left click on the countries you want labeled. Jim On Sat, Jan 17, 2015 at 3:33 AM,

[R] labelCoubtries() doesn't work. Where is my mistake?

2015-01-16 Thread paladini
Hello, I have problems to label countries in my map. I use the following code to draw the map: epimap=joinCountryData2Map(epidata,joinCode=NAME,nameCountryColumn=Country,nameJoinColumn=Country) mapCountryData(epimap, nameColumnToPlot=EPI.2.0 ,mapRegion=europe, oceanCol=slateblue1,