On closer inspection, change n=5 to n=10 in
major.ticks <- pretty(lims,n=5)
Then, I get 10^0, 10^1, etc. with all the minors. Is this what you want?
On 5/7/2014 10:32 AM, Shane Carey wrote:
Im using the function below to create minor tick marks on log scale. It
only plots every se
I ran your code with debugging and found this for minor ticks
[1]> minor.ticks
[1] 1.00 1.301030 1.477121 1.602060 1.698970 1.778151 1.845098
1.903090 1.954243 3.00 3.301030
[12] 3.477121 3.602060 3.698970 3.778151 3.845098 3.903090 3.954243
5.00 5.301030 5.477121 5.602060
Im using the function below to create minor tick marks on log scale. It
only plots every second marker, i.e. 10^0, 10^2 and so on. How do I get it
to plot at every interval? Thanks
minor.ticks.axis <- function(ax,n,t.ratio=0.5,mn,mx,...){
lims <- par("usr")
if(ax %in%c(1,3)) lims <- lim
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