I have been tinkering around with this for a bit, and I am proud to
share navel gazer 1.0.
If no arguments are passed, it will look up the top 50 authors on the
r-help list, for the given month in the given year. You can also
specify one or more months as a character vector (e.g., "August" or
I think that gsub example on help page is more clear:
# could be used the XML package to get the names
cnames <- gsub('\n', '', head(tail(sapply(getNodeSet(htmlParse(z, asText =
TRUE), "//i"), xmlValue), -3), -3))
gsub("(\\w)(\\w*)", "\\U\\1\\L\\2", cnames, perl=TRUE)
On Tue, Aug
Since Peter Dalgaard is splitting his considerable contributions between
"Peter Dalgaard" and "peter dalgaard", I made the following changes
(which shouldn't be a problem unless e e cummings becomes a regular poster):
# from base::chartr documentation
capwords <- function(s, strict = FALSE) {
I change the line:
z <- getURL(paste(baseurl,list,"/", month,"/author.html",sep=""))
z <- getURL(paste(baseurl,list,"/", month,"/author.html",sep=""),
ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)
because don't work for me.
On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 1:47 PM, Ben Bolker wrote:
> month <- "2010-August
month <- "2010-August"
list <- "r-help"
##list <- "r-sig-ecology"
##list <- "r-sig-mixed-models"
## month <- "2010q3"
n <- 50
baseurl <- "https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/";
z <- getURL(paste(baseurl,list,"/",month,"/author.html",sep=""))
zz <- strsplit(z,"")[[1]]
namefun <- function(x
5 matches
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