On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 1:45 PM, Sundar Dorai-Raj wrote:
> Sorry, that should be:
> sigma <- as.numeric(levels(z$sigma))
> sigmaExprList <- lapply(sigma, function(s) bquote(sigma == .(s)))
> sigmaExpr <- as.expression(sigmaExprList)
> bwplot(Error~Method | sigma, data = z,
> horiz = F, xla
Sorry, that should be:
sigma <- as.numeric(levels(z$sigma))
sigmaExprList <- lapply(sigma, function(s) bquote(sigma == .(s)))
sigmaExpr <- as.expression(sigmaExprList)
bwplot(Error~Method | sigma, data = z,
horiz = F, xlab = "Method",
strip = function(which.given, which.panel, var.na
z <- cbind(rep(c("BIC", "hist"), each = 150), rep(rep(c(5, 10, 30),
each = 50),2))
z <- as.data.frame(z)
z <- cbind(z, runif(300))
names(z) <- c("Method", "sigma", "Error")
z$sigma <- factor(z$sigma, c("5", "10", "30"))
sigma <- as.numeric(levels(z$sigma))
sigmaExprList <-
I think this question is best explained using the following
self-contained toy example:
## cut code here and paste to R window
z <- cbind(rep(c("BIC", "hist"), each = 150), rep(rep(c(5, 10, 30),
each = 50),2))
z <- as.data.frame(z)
z <- cbind(z, runif(300))
names(z) <- c("Method", "sig
I think this question is best explained using the following
self-contained toy example:
## cut code here and paste to R window
z <- cbind(rep(c("BIC", "hist"), each = 150), rep(rep(c(5, 10, 30), each =
z <- as.data.frame(z)
z <- cbind(z, runif(300))
names(z) <- c("Method", "si
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