I would guess the problem is that the file is not where you think it is
or that you spelled the file name and/or path incorrectly.
An easy thing to try is:
read.table(file=file.choose(), header=TRUE, sep="\t")
The function file.choose() will open a window where you'll have to
choose the file f
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 12:01 PM
To: r-help@r-project.org
Subject: [R] r noobie, reading my text file into r
Hi everyone, this is my first time using r and I think I'm overlooking
something small and I just need some help seeing it. I have a file in notepad
that I need to r
Hi everyone, this is my first time using r and I think I'm overlooking
something small and I just need some help seeing it. I have a file in
notepad that I need to read into r.
> ceosalary<-read.table(file="C:/Users/mz106_010/Desktop/ceosalary.csv",header
> = TRUE,sep="\t")
Error in file(file, "rt"
3 matches
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