Re: [R] rmaxwell in C

2010-03-13 Thread 王杰彪
We have done it, thanks very much! 2010-03-13 Randel 发件人: Yihui Xie 发送时间: 2010-03-12 22:48 主 题: Re: [R] rmaxwell in C 收件人: 王杰彪 抄 送: r-help The manual R-exts, section 6.7.1 should help if you want to call rgamma() in C. Regards, Yihui -- Yihui

Re: [R] rmaxwell in C

2010-03-12 Thread Yihui Xie
The manual R-exts, section 6.7.1 should help if you want to call rgamma() in C. Regards, Yihui -- Yihui Xie Phone: 515-294-6609 Web: Department of Statistics, Iowa State University 3211 Snedecor Hall, Ames, IA 2010/3/12 xie : > rmaxwell() depends on rgamma(), so what you actu

Re: [R] rmaxwell in C

2010-03-12 Thread Yihui Xie
rmaxwell() depends on rgamma(), so what you actually need is to download R source (rgamma() might depend further on other functions, though). > library(VGAM) > rmaxwell function (n, a) { if (!is.Numeric(n, posit = TRUE, allow = 1)) stop("bad input for argument 'n'") if (any(a <= 0)

Re: [R] rmaxwell in C

2010-03-12 Thread Dieter Menne
王杰彪 wrote: > > > How can I generate a random sample from Maxwell Distribution in C > language? > Since I know the function rmaxwell {VGAM}, I tried the function r2c {r2c}. > But I still cannot find the source code. > > The source code can be downloaded from (or choose your local mirror) htt

[R] rmaxwell in C

2010-03-11 Thread 王杰彪
Hi R useRs: How can I generate a random sample from Maxwell Distribution in C language? Since I know the function rmaxwell {VGAM}, I tried the function r2c {r2c}. But I still cannot find the source code. Thanks for your kind help. RegaRds, 2010-03-12 Randel [[alternative HTML version