Re: [R] slope coefficient of a quadratic regression bootstrap

2013-05-06 Thread Rui Barradas
Hello, You probably mean fit2 <-lm(logDIS~logBMN+I(logBMN^2), data=d) # d, not dataN Hope this helps, Rui Barradas Em 06-05-2013 00:51, Elaine Kuo escreveu: Hello all, I found the following code worked. code require(boot) function.fit2 <- function(data,i){ d <- data[i,] #

Re: [R] slope coefficient of a quadratic regression bootstrap

2013-05-05 Thread Elaine Kuo
Hello all, I found the following code worked. code require(boot) function.fit2 <- function(data,i){ d <- data[i,] # select obs. in bootstrap sample fit2 <-lm(logDIS~logBMN+I(logBMN^2), data=dataN) coefficients(fit2) # return coefficient vector

[R] slope coefficient of a quadratic regression bootstrap

2013-05-05 Thread Elaine Kuo
Hello, I want to know if two quadratic regressions are significantly different. I was advised to make the test using step 1 bootstrapping both quadratic regressions and get their slope coefficients. (Let's call the slope coefficient *â*^1 and *â*^2) step 2 use the slope difference *â*^1-