Re: [R] timeseries plot

2010-04-03 Thread vibha patel
Hello, YearERISSRIFTRIDFSRIIFSRITRISRIPSRIERI2 199540.1829.4841.4635.9835.5448.1579.5 11.1526.50120923 199642.9642929.144.0139.3130.4247.5179.78 30.6235.83816143 199744.8585724.4844.92

Re: [R] timeseries plot

2010-04-02 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
Here are a few ways: Try this: set.seed(123) TS <- ts(1:25 + rnorm(25)) tt <- time(TS) tt.pred <- end(tt)[1] + 1:10 both <- ts(c(TS, predict(lm(TS ~ tt), list(tt = tt.pred ts.plot(both, TS, gpars = list(type = "o", col = 2:1, pch = 20)) and read ?ts, ?start, ?ts.plot and next time please pro

[R] timeseries plot

2010-04-02 Thread vibha patel
Hello, I am using plot( ) function to plot time-series. it takes time-series object as an argument but i want to plot predicted data with training set, to compare them. is there any function available? Vibha [[alternative HTML version deleted]] ___