Re: [R] Moving-Tiles Bootstrap

2012-01-24 Thread Jeff Newmiller
. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing

Re: [R] function for grouping

2012-01-25 Thread Jeff Newmiller
You will run out of memory. 2*3^198 is about 5e95 rows and 4GB of RAM can probably only hold about 5e8 rows. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live...

Re: [R] Compiling R code to native code?

2012-01-28 Thread Jeff Newmiller
sure the answer is right doesn't usually require compiled code. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go

Re: [R] about colnames

2012-01-30 Thread Jeff Newmiller
The problem occurred when you imported your data, but you haven't shown those steps. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live...

Re: [R] While loop working with TRUE/FALSE?

2012-02-01 Thread Jeff Newmiller
No. The while loop is only tested after the for loop has completed. Use debug to understand this if it doesn't make sense to you. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... DCN:jdnew

Re: [R] Problem with GMT+/- time zones

2012-02-01 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Should has nothing to do with it. That is the way the Olsen tz database works. See --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... DCN:jdnew

Re: [R] R-Project at university.

2012-02-02 Thread Jeff Newmiller
users do not need to concern themselves with the conditions, since most users don't change it. Regarding compiling .exe files, R is not really designed for that. --- Jeff Newmiller

Re: [R] Vectorizing a loop

2012-02-07 Thread Jeff Newmiller
--- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer (Solar/BatteriesO.O#. #.O

Re: [R] Vectorizing a loop

2012-02-07 Thread Jeff Newmiller
On Tue, 7 Feb 2012, David Winsemius wrote: On Feb 7, 2012, at 12:56 PM, Jeff Newmiller wrote: On Tue, 7 Feb 2012, Alexander Shenkin wrote: Hello Folks, I'm trying to vectorize a loop that processes rows of a dataframe. It involves lots of conditionals, such as If column 10 == 3

Re: [R] save objects of own function to workspace

2012-02-14 Thread Jeff Newmiller
if your function.) Then you can assign the return value to some variable of your choosing (including possibly one named mz_int in the calling environment) where you call the function. --- Jeff Newmiller

Re: [R] How to suppress the empty plots in xyplot (lattice)

2012-02-14 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Set up a single (factor) variable that identifies the combinations that exist, and plot using that variable. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live...

Re: [R] Writing R-scripts

2012-02-14 Thread Jeff Newmiller
? --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer (Solar/BatteriesO.O

Re: [R] Splitting a data list into smaller data lists

2012-02-14 Thread Jeff Newmiller
picture, you may find the plyr package helpful. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go

Re: [R] Spline Question

2012-02-15 Thread Jeff Newmiller
What part of read the posting guide did you not understand? The provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code part? --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... DCN:jdnew

Re: [R] reading a .mdf file in R

2011-05-09 Thread Jeff Newmiller
. --- Jeff Newmiller The . . Go Live... Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries O.O#. #.O#. with /Software/Embedded Controllers) .OO#. .OO#. rocks...1k

Re: [R] Round down to earliest hour or half hour

2011-05-09 Thread Jeff Newmiller
)), as.difftime(30,units=mins) ) This may not work well if the timestamp granularity is more fine than one second. --- Jeff Newmiller The . . Go Live... Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO

Re: [R] timezone specification on windows machine

2011-05-14 Thread Jeff Newmiller
complaint on windows. Thank you. Look in C:\Program Files\R\R-version\share\zoneinfo My zoneinfo does contain America/New_York. Perhaps you should provide a reproducible example, like the posting guide tells you to. --- Jeff

Re: [R] Simple R Question...

2011-05-21 Thread Jeff Newmiller
. --- Jeff Newmiller The . . Go Live... Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries O.O#. #.O#. with /Software/Embedded Controllers) .OO#. .OO#. rocks...1k

Re: [R] days between dates

2011-05-23 Thread Jeff Newmiller
) --- Jeff Newmiller The . . Go Live... Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries O.O#. #.O#. with /Software/Embedded Controllers) .OO#. .OO#. rocks...1k

Re: [R] Fwd: transpose ?

2011-05-25 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Then use as.matrix. Transpose is not a well-defined operation for data frames. --- Jeff Newmiller The . . Go Live... Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research

Re: [R] DateTime Math in R - POSIXct

2011-05-31 Thread Jeff Newmiller
on input and output (such as printing to the console) or conversion to POSIXlt that the timezone is considered. --- Jeff Newmiller The . . Go Live... Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO

Re: [R] DateTime Math in R - POSIXct

2011-05-31 Thread Jeff Newmiller
avoiding converting back and forth between numeric and POSIX times anyway. --- Jeff Newmiller The . . Go Live... Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research

Re: [R] Forcing a negative slope in linear regression?

2011-05-31 Thread Jeff Newmiller
. --- Jeff Newmiller The . . Go Live... Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries O.O#. #.O#. with /Software/Embedded Controllers) .OO#. .OO#. rocks...1k

Re: [R] unwanted switch to DST with POSIXct objects

2011-06-05 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Sys.setenv(TZ=Etc/GMT+5) Make the timezone you prefer the default for that R session. FWIW: EST may or may not exist as a valid timezone on your system, but it is an ambiguous notation anyway. --- Jeff Newmiller

Re: [R] Inspecting C code in an R package

2011-06-11 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Presumably in the source code of the package (something.tar.gz). Follow the posting guidelines if you want further assistance. --- Jeff Newmiller The . . Go Live... Basics

Re: [R] Pointers in R

2011-06-12 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Lists are recursive and heterogenous in R. Just assign the values to elements in lists and assign those lists to elements in other lists to build your tree. --- Jeff Newmiller The . . Go Live... DCN:jdnew

Re: [R] cause 'memory not mapped'

2011-06-13 Thread Jeff Newmiller
You need to ask this question on the Bioconductor mailing list. --- Jeff Newmiller The . . Go Live... Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer (Solar

Re: [R] R 2.13.0 on windows 7 x32 - always requires admin to run

2011-06-14 Thread Jeff Newmiller
configured quicker too, since you can copy the old installed per user libraries to the new directory and run update.libraries () at the R prompt.) --- Jeff Newmiller The . . Go Live... Basics

Re: [R] Invalid Regular Expression

2011-06-14 Thread Jeff Newmiller
whether you really want to enumerate all 10 possible zip codes?) --- Jeff Newmiller The . . Go Live... Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer

Re: [R] How to join matrices of different row length from a list

2011-06-17 Thread Jeff Newmiller
No. --- Jeff Newmiller The . . Go Live... Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries O.O#. #.O#. with /Software/Embedded Controllers

Re: [R] fonts and locale complaints from plot

2011-06-20 Thread Jeff Newmiller
seems like an obvious course of action given the error messages. --- Jeff Newmiller The . . Go Live... Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer (Solar

Re: [R] function to undo the DIFF command in ARIMA command

2011-06-20 Thread Jeff Newmiller
cumsum, but you have to add back the information lost in the diff operation by generating an extra zero at the beginning or end of the sequence and adding the appropriate offset to the resulting vector. --- Jeff Newmiller

Re: [R] Is R a solution to my problem?

2011-06-24 Thread Jeff Newmiller
, discussions of such topics do not belong on this mailing list. Give Google a chance. --- Jeff Newmiller The . . Go Live... Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research

Re: [R] Why is looping in R inefficient, but in C not?

2011-06-26 Thread Jeff Newmiller
as vector operations. --- Jeff Newmiller The . . Go Live... Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries O.O#. #.O#. with /Software/Embedded

Re: [R] Error: cannot allocate vector of size

2011-06-27 Thread Jeff Newmiller
immediate problem by examining your its external storage. Please investigate and inform us. --- Jeff Newmiller The . . Go Live... Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO

Re: [R] Indexing to insert values from a dataframe into a matrix

2011-06-28 Thread Jeff Newmiller
and ddr$y in order to utilize labels for indexing. --- Jeff Newmiller The . . Go Live... Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries O.O

Re: [R] Querying the path separator?

2011-06-28 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Windows will work with either separator. --- Jeff Newmiller The . . Go Live... Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries O.O#. #.O

Re: [R] Upgrading R in Ubuntu

2011-06-29 Thread Jeff Newmiller
This is Googlable. You need to add the CRAN repository to your APT sources file. --- Jeff Newmiller The . . Go Live... Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing

Re: [R] Lambert W question

2013-01-10 Thread Jeff Newmiller
RSiteSearch(lambert) I don't know anything about OpenBUGS, but implementations of the Lambert W function exist, or you could roll your own. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live

Re: [R] Wrong bin count number with hist() ?

2013-01-13 Thread Jeff Newmiller
to the name isn't so obvious at first, I must admit, but it is one price we pay in R for being able to do similarly named actions on different kinds of objects. --- Jeff Newmiller

Re: [R] hwo to subtract a child array from the big array?

2013-01-13 Thread Jeff Newmiller
the section on indexing in the Introduction to R document that ships with R to be very useful. In there it mentions the effect of using negative index values: AA[-(1:10)*10] giving you the rest of the data. --- Jeff Newmiller

Re: [R] How to fit a linear model to data by minimizing the mean absolute percent error?

2013-01-14 Thread Jeff Newmiller
It doesn't look like you have read the Posting Guide (see bottom of email). This not a homework help forum. Please use the assistance provided by your educational institution. --- Jeff Newmiller

Re: [R] readJPEG function cannot open jpeg files

2013-01-14 Thread Jeff Newmiller
. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer (Solar/BatteriesO.O#. #.O

Re: [R] How to open grib file in R?

2013-01-14 Thread Jeff Newmiller
outside this range. Thus, the file appears to have invalid data. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go

Re: [R] Hist with Dates

2013-01-15 Thread Jeff Newmiller
You should read the help for hist carefully: ?hist.Date hist has very specific rules for applying breaks that are often different than tabulation (tapply or aggregate, with or without using the cut function first). --- Jeff

Re: [R] Get a percent variable based on group

2013-01-15 Thread Jeff Newmiller
. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research

Re: [R] error installing KEGGSOAP

2013-01-16 Thread Jeff Newmiller
What went wrong? You cross-posted. Don't ask about bioconductor packages on R-help. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live...

Re: [R] How to plot this simple step function?

2013-01-16 Thread Jeff Newmiller
off in helping you decipher examples such as that ones above. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go

Re: [R] How to change R file in stats?

2013-01-16 Thread Jeff Newmiller
it will find your global version before it finds the one from the package. For rebuilding the package, please read the Writing R Extensions documentation. --- Jeff Newmiller

Re: [R] How to plot this simple step function?

2013-01-16 Thread Jeff Newmiller
, the ggplot2 Google group is probably a better bet than here. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go

Re: [R] How to plot this simple step function?

2013-01-17 Thread Jeff Newmiller
you forgot to define the x and y variables that you provided as examples. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go

Re: [R] ggplot zoomin

2013-01-18 Thread Jeff Newmiller
. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer

Re: [R] plotting from dataframes

2013-01-18 Thread Jeff Newmiller
appropriate for your loop. for(i in 1:10){ plot( frames[[ i ]]$hour1 ) } --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go

Re: [R] columns called X rename Y

2013-01-18 Thread Jeff Newmiller
--- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries

Re: [R] Deformulation and R

2013-01-19 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Algebra 1? --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO

Re: [R] How to read a file with two data sets in text format

2013-01-21 Thread Jeff Newmiller
. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer (Solar

Re: [R] Regex for ^ (the caret symbol)?

2013-01-21 Thread Jeff Newmiller
. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer (Solar

Re: [R] Regex for ^ (the caret symbol)?

2013-01-21 Thread Jeff Newmiller
So what is the special behavior of the ^ symbol when not at the beginning of the string that occurs when it is not escaped? --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... DCN:jdnew

Re: [R] Regex for ^ (the caret symbol)?

2013-01-21 Thread Jeff Newmiller
only get ERE and Perl regexes in R. So I guess it isn't a bug, but is rather a feature. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live...

Re: [R] Dot plot of character and numeric matrix

2013-01-23 Thread Jeff Newmiller
I think you need to become more familiar with the factor data type. Reread the Introduction to R document that comes with R. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... DCN:jdnew

Re: [R] How to drop unused factors in faceted R ggplot boxplot?

2013-01-23 Thread Jeff Newmiller
--- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer (Solar/BatteriesO.O#. #.O

Re: [R] Pasting a list of parameters into a function

2013-01-24 Thread Jeff Newmiller
The eigenvalue problem is not unique to R. This is an R mailing list. What is your question about R? --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live...

Re: [R] Saving or copying graphics from Quartz returns empty file

2013-01-24 Thread Jeff Newmiller
This issue is very platform-specific. you should post on R-sig-mac. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go

Re: [R] Pass vector as multiple parameters (as in python f(*x))

2013-01-25 Thread Jeff Newmiller
if the arguments have a variety of types. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go

Re: [R] Pass vector as multiple parameters (as in python f(*x))

2013-01-25 Thread Jeff Newmiller
How about (assuming the variables you defined): ms - matrix(unlist(vs), ncol=2,byrow=TRUE) m[ms] --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live...

Re: [R] Loop question?

2013-01-25 Thread Jeff Newmiller
, and use that test to identify which input combinations worked. Provide a working starting point and someone might give you working code as an answer. (where do a and b come into your problem?) --- Jeff Newmiller

Re: [R] Setting global variables inside R reference class ?

2013-01-26 Thread Jeff Newmiller
How can we possibly know where you went wrong if you don't tell us where you went? --- Jeff Newmiller

Re: [R] Attempting to confirm a program i wrote in C (normalize 2 datasets, transform into histogram, transform into CDF, perform KS test)

2013-01-26 Thread Jeff Newmiller
made a reasonable effort if you showed what steps you tried in R and where you think they went wrong. --- Jeff Newmiller

Re: [R] Loop question?

2013-01-26 Thread Jeff Newmiller
$a ), ] --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer (Solar/BatteriesO.O

Re: [R] an echo question

2013-01-27 Thread Jeff Newmiller
?cat --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO

Re: [R] set.seed()

2013-01-27 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Depends what algorithm you are using. Read ?set.seed --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go

Re: [R] How to create a random matrix with conditions

2013-01-28 Thread Jeff Newmiller
is that you don't know how to create what you want with any tool, then you should figure that out before posting here. might be helpful if that is the case. --- Jeff Newmiller

Re: [R] NA and Character(0) in List Element

2013-01-29 Thread Jeff Newmiller
. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries

Re: [R] Writing audio files (.wav) in a different directory

2013-01-30 Thread Jeff Newmiller
). Look for info on absolute path and relative path. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go

Re: [R] For loop on data frame

2013-01-31 Thread Jeff Newmiller
, learn to examine the objects you create by executing the statements one-to-one and interspersing ?str calls and printing objects so you understand what the code is working with. --- Jeff Newmiller

Re: [R] Automated Start for new Rgui within existing R code?

2013-01-31 Thread Jeff Newmiller
?parallel::parallel Only one gui, multiple cores working at once. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go

Re: [R] Range difference of plot two arrays in one plot

2013-02-01 Thread Jeff Newmiller
of data together. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO

Re: [R] Change default order of colors line types

2013-02-01 Thread Jeff Newmiller
/questions/5963269/how-to-make-a-great-r-reproducible-example --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go

Re: [R] mountain lion install, error message

2013-02-01 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Perhaps you would benefit from joining R-sig-mac, and/or perusing their archives. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live...

Re: [R] Question: write an R script with help information available to the user

2013-02-02 Thread Jeff Newmiller
there. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries

Re: [R] Split xts data set into weeks

2013-02-02 Thread Jeff Newmiller
is will require a reproducible example. [1] --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... DCN:jdnew

Re: [R] problem in installing reshape2 (urgent)

2013-02-02 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Suggestion: follow instructions appropriate for your OS (see CRAN) to install the current version of R. (2.15.2) --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live...

Re: [R] RandomForest, Party and Memory Management

2013-02-03 Thread Jeff Newmiller
engine... or begin with the FAQs in R help or on CRAN). [1] --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live

Re: [R] ggplot2 plotting errorbars.

2013-02-04 Thread Jeff Newmiller
there. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer (Solar/BatteriesO.O

Re: [R] Hard Stop?

2013-02-06 Thread Jeff Newmiller
stop() does not have momentum... it is designed to play nice. Perhaps you want ?options(error=). Alternately, you want to trigger a core dump? --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live

Re: [R] Can not melt data.frame

2013-02-08 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Use POSIXct instead of POSIXlt in data frames in general, and particularly for this task. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live...

Re: [R] file copy to password protected network drive

2013-02-15 Thread Jeff Newmiller
, and then if it involves anything more than ordinary file system access then you should Google for how to invoke shell commands on your OS (shell/system/system2). --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live

Re: [R] questions hash functions

2013-02-17 Thread Jeff Newmiller
). --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer (Solar

Re: [R] RMSE comparison: test

2013-02-18 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Please don't repeat yourself. Please read the Posting Guide. Don't post here using HTML email. This is a statistics question, not an R question, so it is off topic here. --- Jeff Newmiller

Re: [R] R nls results different from those of Excel ??

2013-02-18 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Excel definitely does not use nonlinear least squares fitting for power curve fitting. It uses linear LS fitting of the logs of x and y. There should be no surprise in the OP's observation. --- Jeff Newmiller

Re: [R] R nls results different from those of Excel ??

2013-02-19 Thread Jeff Newmiller
the calculator does. Setting up a Solver sheet to obtain trend coefficients is not a typical way to obtain them in Excel... that would be the user's doing, not Excel's. --- Jeff Newmiller

Re: [R] calculating seconds

2013-02-19 Thread Jeff Newmiller
? --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research Engineer

Re: [R] Converting the data in year month day hour and minutes to date

2013-02-19 Thread Jeff Newmiller
. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research

Re: [R] Seeing Global Workspace and dealing with attach and detach

2013-02-19 Thread Jeff Newmiller
. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing Research

Re: [R] Merging data in arrays

2013-02-21 Thread Jeff Newmiller
-reproducible-example --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO

Re: [R] Wikipedia plots and tables?

2013-02-23 Thread Jeff Newmiller
If you look at this question objectively, Spencer, would you not agree that this question is entirely off topic here? --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... DCN:jdnew

Re: [R] Wikipedia plots and tables?

2013-02-23 Thread Jeff Newmiller
this interfacing stuff up, but that will require research on Mediawiki input format requirements, for which development I would hope one would want a Mediawiki expert's help. --- Jeff Newmiller

Re: [R] Merging data in arrays

2013-02-23 Thread Jeff Newmiller
then unrolling your original data into data frames and leaving them that way as much as possible will be a wise move to make sooner rather than later. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live

Re: [R] Issues with TMPDIR/TEMP/TMP? Failure of R CMD check under Windows 7

2013-02-24 Thread Jeff Newmiller
it solves it replaces with worse problems. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go

Re: [R] Assignment Operator in mclapply

2013-02-25 Thread Jeff Newmiller
(); result$x - x; result$x2 - x^2; result}) --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... ##.#. ##.#. Live Go

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