Re: [R] Dividing by 0

2008-07-24 Thread Rolf Turner
been appropriate in respect of the fooferaw that has been going on, on this mailing list on the topic of ``Coefficients of Logistic Regression from bootstrap - how to get them?'' cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] simple random number generation

2008-07-24 Thread Rolf Turner
Duncan Murdoch recently (24 July 2008) posted code providing a much more elegant and efficient approach. (Subject line: truncated normal). Also there is apparently a function in the msm package which will do this for you. cheers, Rolf Turner On 25/07/2008, at 2:43

[R] Mixed model question.

2008-07-27 Thread Rolf Turner
. cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9}} __ mailing list

Re: [R] Converting english words to numeric equivalents

2008-07-27 Thread Rolf Turner
'' would correspond to 0? What would the ``english word'' xyz (?!?!) correspond to? If you can phrase a coherent question, it can probably be answered. cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail

Re: [R] read.table question

2008-07-27 Thread Rolf Turner
? Look at the colClasses argument to read.table(). cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9}} __ R-help@r

Re: [R] Mixed model question.

2008-07-28 Thread Rolf Turner
Thanks for the response. I ***think*** I'm making a bit of progress On 29/07/2008, at 10:14 AM, Douglas Bates wrote: On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 9:06 PM, Rolf Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: snip What I *don't* understand is the correlation structure of the estimates

Re: [R] finding a faster way to do an iterative computation

2008-07-29 Thread Rolf Turner
On 30/07/2008, at 6:12 AM, dxc13 wrote: useR's, I am trying trying to find out if there is a faster way to do a certain computation. I have successfully used FOR loops and the apply function to do this, but it can take some time to fully compute, but I was wondering if anyone may

Re: [R] R command history -- can it be like Matlab's?

2008-07-29 Thread Rolf Turner
, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9}} __ mailing list PLEASE do read

Re: [R] placing a text in the corner of a plot

2008-07-29 Thread Rolf Turner
!!! But be that as it may, you can eliminate the box by putting ``bty=n'' in the call to legend. I have no idea what you mean by ``box-shadow''. snip cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention: This e-mail message

Re: [R] FFT - (STATS) - is this correct?

2008-07-30 Thread Rolf Turner
--- An Introduction'' (2nd ed.), Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, 2000. cheers, Rolf Turner P.S. BTW doing ``library(stats)'' is silly; the stats library is loaded automatically when R is started. R. T

Re: [R] dotFirst option

2008-07-30 Thread Rolf Turner
there. cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9}} __

Re: [R] Is R's fast fourier transform function different from fft2 in Matlab?

2008-07-31 Thread Rolf Turner
(and in S/Splus) does not apply any normalizing factor, so that the inverse transform only ``inverts'' up to a constant multiple. cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message

Re: [R] predict.lm() question

2008-04-07 Thread Rolf Turner
use ``lm'' as the name of an object (result of fitting a model) --- ``lm'' is the name of a function, as well you know! No immediate harm will come, but there can be subtle consequences I believe, and anyhow it's confusing. cheers, Rolf Turner On 8/04

Re: [R] fit points to plane

2008-04-08 Thread Rolf Turner
On 9/04/2008, at 8:28 AM, Luca Penasa wrote: Is there a function for obtaining the best-fitting plane from a large number of points (something like 25.000 points)? ?lm ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and

Re: [R] Huber-white cluster s.e. after optim?

2008-04-09 Thread Rolf Turner
On 10/04/2008, at 2:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In many cases a) often looks difficult, but on closer inspection turns out to be impossible I nominate this for a fortune. cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] Equivalent to a BY command in SAS

2008-04-13 Thread Rolf Turner
INDICES: b [1] -0.2253035 INDICES: c [1] 0.2997985 Or: tapply(x,y,mean) a b c 0.1089523 -0.2253035 0.2997985 cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] Transposing Data Frame does not return numeric entries

2008-04-15 Thread Rolf Turner
this, then you ***can't*** transpose --- transposition just doesn't make any sense at all. Simple as that. cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message

Re: [R] efficiently replacing values in a matrix

2008-04-16 Thread Rolf Turner
. cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9}} __ mailing list

Re: [R] efficiently replacing values in a matrix

2008-04-16 Thread Rolf Turner
and matrices? If they were the same expletive deleted thing, there wouldn't be two different terms for them, would there? cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped

Re: [R] how to connect dots by passing NA

2008-04-16 Thread Rolf Turner
] f - f[!na] n - length(x) f - f[-n] segments(x[-n],y[-n],x[-1],y[-1],lty=ifelse(f,3,1)) } set.seed(42) x - sort(runif(20)) y - rnorm(20) ix - sample(1:20,3) iy - sample(1:20,3) x[ix] - NA y[iy] - NA foo(x,y) cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] CRAN packages hosting policy

2008-04-17 Thread Rolf Turner
, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9}} __ mailing list

Re: [R] matrix problem

2008-04-21 Thread Rolf Turner
of column 2, and so on. What you want to do is m - matrix(runif(3),nrow=4,ncol=3,byrow=TRUE) i.e. it is unnecessary and counter-productive to create m beforehand and then try to fill it up. cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] another matrix question

2008-04-21 Thread Rolf Turner
, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9}} __ mailing list PLEASE do read

Re: [R] Documentation General Comments

2008-04-21 Thread Rolf Turner
***and*** are clever at searching. It's that last requirement that leaves *me* out in the cold. So what's the solution? Short answer --- there probably isn't one. My take on it is ``Give up and go to the pub!'' :-) Rolf Turner On 22/04/2008, at 10:36 AM, Dr. Jeff Miller wrote: I

Re: [R] Coding methods for factors

2008-04-21 Thread Rolf Turner
if there is a better way.) I think you want to consider contrasts. You probably want to do options(contrasts=c(contr.sum,contr.poly) or options(contrasts=c(contr.helmert,contr.poly) cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] nth step transition matrices

2008-04-22 Thread Rolf Turner
power of M. (e) I would use a for loop to do this. (f) From here on, you're on your own. cheers, Rolf Turner On 23/04/2008, at 11:49 AM, Brad Lukoskie wrote: Hello, I have a question in regards to markov chains and transition probabilities. I am trying to figure

Re: [R] using the sink() function in a for-look

2008-04-30 Thread Rolf Turner
, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9}} __ mailing list PLEASE do

Re: [R] using the sink() function in a for-look

2008-04-30 Thread Rolf Turner
!!! is redirected to your file by sink(), so it works as expected. That all depends on what you expect, I guess. Most people would expect to get some output. As Tony expected. cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] two-sample mean difference

2008-05-05 Thread Rolf Turner
, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9}} __ mailing list

Re: [R] histogram

2008-05-08 Thread Rolf Turner
Look at the ``Value'' material. cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9}} __ R

Re: [R] lme nesting/interaction advice

2008-05-11 Thread Rolf Turner
on this issue. cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9}} __ mailing

Re: [R] Running external python script

2008-05-11 Thread Rolf Turner
On 12/05/2008, at 11:17 AM, rostam shahname wrote: Hi R users, I have a python script. Assume that I would like to run this external python script when executing a R script or command line R. I don't know how to this using R code. I really appreciate if you could help me. Thanks for your

Re: [R] Running external python script

2008-05-11 Thread Rolf Turner
On 12/05/2008, at 11:37 AM, rostam shahname wrote: mac os X No, no, no!!! That's what ***you*** type (in R)! :-) cheers, Rolf On Sun, May 11, 2008 at 8:24 PM, Rolf Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 12/05/2008, at 11:17 AM, rostam

Re: [R] [R-sig-ME] lme nesting/interaction advice

2008-05-12 Thread Rolf Turner
who can't.) Thank you for your indulgence. cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9

Re: [R] [R-sig-ME] lme nesting/interaction advice

2008-05-13 Thread Rolf Turner
Thanks very much for your long, detailed, patient, and lucid response to my cri de coeur. That helps a *great* deal. I'm not sure that I have a solid understanding of the issues yet --- I never am! --- but I think I'm getting there. I'll need to chew over the posting a bit more and try some

[R] The try() function with read.delim().

2008-05-13 Thread Rolf Turner
I have written a function which reads data from files using read.delim (). The names of these files are complicated and are built using arguments to the wrapper function. Since the files in question may or may not exist, I thought to enclose the read.delim() call in a try(): file -

Re: [R] Inconsistent linear model calculations

2008-05-15 Thread Rolf Turner
22 svn rev45424 language R version.string R version 2.7.0 (2008-04-22) (``Arrows'' - added.) So the version of R that I am running is 2.7.0. cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] Inconsistent linear model calculations

2008-05-15 Thread Rolf Turner
, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9}} __ mailing list PLEASE do

[R] SE of difference in fitted probabilities from logistic model.

2008-05-15 Thread Rolf Turner
, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9}} __ mailing list PLEASE

[R] Making slope coefficients ``relative to 0''.

2008-05-15 Thread Rolf Turner
to regress upon. Easy enough, and I could do that.) I just wanted to know for sure that there wasn't a sexier way, using some aspect of the formula machinery with which I am not yet familiar. Thanks for any insights. cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] two curves at one graph

2008-05-18 Thread Rolf Turner
?lines ?points On 19/05/2008, at 8:44 AM, hanen wrote: i try to use par(new=TRUE) i get them at the same graph but the y_axis and x_axis are drowen with two unevenly graduations that graph become unreadable. -- View this message in context:

Re: [R] Finding functions

2008-05-20 Thread Rolf Turner
place (often /usr/local) and following the instructions in the INSTALL file, you can see if the program helps you to find functions in R. See cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] naming the components of a list

2008-05-25 Thread Rolf Turner
need to name the components as name1, name2, name3, so it should look like this: $name1 [1] Fred $name2 [1] Mary $name3 [1] SAM names(L) - paste(name,1:3,sep=) cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e

Re: [R] Solving 100th order equation

2008-05-25 Thread Rolf Turner
[1] 6.103516e-05 What a difference 7.214144e-06 makes! When you're dealing with polynomials of degree 100. Bozhemoi! cheers, Rolf Turner P.S. I suspect that this was a numerical analysis homework question designed to teach a salutary

Re: [R] inquiry on R News

2008-05-27 Thread Rolf Turner
Government. The most recent issue of `R News' (Vol. 8/1, May 2008) says (p. 72): ``R News articles are peer-reviewed.'' I think that's clear enough! cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e

Re: [R] how to bind lists recursively

2008-05-27 Thread Rolf Turner
to create the bind lists recursively so that the last element would be the newly added one while the previous elements all remain the same? a - list() for(i in 1:1) a[[i]] - i (The word ``bind'' is inappropriate.) cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] lm() function

2008-05-29 Thread Rolf Turner
On 30/05/2008, at 9:57 AM, Jorge Ivan Velez wrote: Dear Hanen, You don't need 1 in your R code. Try this: # Model mymodel-lm(y~x1+x2) # Coefficients summary(mymodel) See also ?lm. That's not the problem. The ``1'' is redundant but does no harm. There is presumably something ``wrong''

[R] Problems with hclust and/or cutree.

2008-05-29 Thread Rolf Turner
, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9}} __ mailing list

Re: [R] Ancova: formula with a common intercept

2008-06-02 Thread Rolf Turner
parameterization of the original model. Use either fit1 - lm(Result ~ Time + Time:p53) or fit2 - lm(Result ~ Time:p53) which give 2 different parameterizations of the model you want. cheers, Rolf Turner P. S. I believe that it's

Re: [R] exit function in R?

2008-06-02 Thread Rolf Turner
)) return(42) y - sum(log(x)) y } cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9}} __ R-help@r

Re: [R] (re-titled) help with if.

2008-06-03 Thread Rolf Turner
would be better done as: folds - function(x,y) sign(x-y)*2^abs(x-y) cheers, Rolf Turner On 4/06/2008, at 1:47 PM, ALAN SMITH wrote: Hello R users and developers, I am trying to write several functions (fairly new at this) in order to avoid using loops on large

Re: [R] power of a multiway ANOVA

2008-06-05 Thread Rolf Turner
it.) cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9}} __ mailing list https

[R] Existence of formal arguments.

2008-06-05 Thread Rolf Turner
--- or my hunger for knowledge, whichever way you want to look at it :-) --- it doesn't really matter. cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9

Re: [R] Existence of formal arguments.

2008-06-05 Thread Rolf Turner
. Also with a redundant specification of the mode, as in test4 - function(a){ exists(a,mode=any) } one gets test4(a) to be TRUE (no error thrown). I don't see the pattern. But it's probably not worth wasting time on. cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] Problem in executing R on server

2008-06-05 Thread Rolf Turner
a god-awful huge object? You could try R --vanilla (I think that's the right flag!) or move .RData to (say) save.RData before trying to start R, and see what happens. cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention

Re: [R] Problem in executing R on server

2008-06-05 Thread Rolf Turner
in ``.'' are ``hidden''. (2) If you start R in a directory containing no .RData file, and if you say ``n'' to the ``save workspace'' question when you exit from R, then there will *still* be no .RData file when you finish. Rather obviously, I should think. cheers, Rolf

Re: [R] xYplot() produces empty pdf

2009-05-05 Thread Rolf Turner
On 6/05/2009, at 12:50 PM, x wrote: Hi, While xYplot(...) below produces an empty pdf file, plot(...) works fine. The same xYplot(...) produces correct output if tried directly in R console. Any suggestions? RTFFAQ (7.22) cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] [R-sig-ME] Duplicating meta-regression results from PROC MIXED with lmer

2009-05-05 Thread Rolf Turner
to be a tacit assertion here that the results from PROC MIXED in The-Package-That-Must-Not-Be-Named are the correct results. This assertion is very likely to bring the wrath of Doug Bates down upon your head. An outcome to be devoutly avoided! :-) cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] Unintended loading of package:datasets

2009-05-10 Thread Rolf Turner
'') is a required R package which is *always* loaded automatically --- and in my experience instantaneously. I don't know about a dataset (singular) package. There does not appear to be one on CRAN. There is some confusion in what you are doing. cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] Read many .csv files into an R session automatically, without specifying filenames

2009-05-11 Thread Rolf Turner
) { stem - gsub(\\.csv$,,file) assign(stem,read.csv(file)) } cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9

Re: [R] (no subject)

2009-05-12 Thread Rolf Turner
, Rolf Turner ## Attention: This e-mail message is privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient please delete the message and notify the sender. Any views or opinions presented are solely

Re: [R] Simulation

2009-05-13 Thread Rolf Turner
reproducible. This works via either approach. Making results reproducible in this manner is advisable, but seed-setting is nothing that the OP needs to be *warned* about. cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] R: corrupted smoothing kernel ?

2009-05-14 Thread Rolf Turner
The point that Uwe was making was that you probably had some *other* package loaded, said package containing a density() function (with only one argument?) which masked the density() function in the stats package. cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] is.variable ? is.initialized ?

2009-05-14 Thread Rolf Turner
the variable name as a string. cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9}} __ mailing

Re: [R] is.variable ? is.initialized ?

2009-05-14 Thread Rolf Turner
: !,names(xxx))) will do it, I think. (Not tested.) cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9

Re: [R] stringsAsFactors param in expand.grid not working

2009-05-18 Thread Rolf Turner
() $stringsAsFactors, rather than to FALSE? This would make no difference to me personally, since I set options(stringsAsFactors=FALSE) in my .Rprofile. But it might make some people happier cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] error message re: max(i), but code and output seen O.K.

2009-05-20 Thread Rolf Turner
* happen if all of the arguments are NA? One way to start tracking down the instance would be to set options(warn=2) to change the warning to a real error, and then use traceback() to see where the error occurred. cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] evaluate polynomial

2009-05-20 Thread Rolf Turner
(x) or fred - 1.6 y(fred) cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9}} __ mailing

Re: [R] about strauss process

2009-05-24 Thread Rolf Turner
consider trying the Geyer process. Use cif=geyer in forming the model to be used by rmh(). In fitting Geyer models to data, one way to estimate the saturation parameter is via profile pseudolikelihood. See ?profilepl. cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] Replace is leaking?

2009-05-27 Thread Rolf Turner
), temp1[12] , temp2[12]) xxx[3925] [1] 0 xxx[3926] [1] 0.4462404 OMM! cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9

Re: [R] How this addition works?

2009-05-28 Thread Rolf Turner
, '/' for division and '^' for exponentiation. The key word is ``recycled''. cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9

Re: [R] if +

2009-06-14 Thread Rolf Turner
On 15/06/2009, at 7:48 AM, Grześ wrote: Hello! I wont to use a function I have two vectors: a=c(1,NA,3,3,3) b=c(0,0,0,0,0) and when I use function it's ok: [1] FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE but I would create sth like this: for i in 1:length(a){ if (wsp[i]

Re: [R] Confidence Bands in Polynomial Regression

2009-06-16 Thread Rolf Turner
*x*tt - 0.6*x*tt^2 + rnorm (301) # 2. Fit the model. fit - lm(y ~ x + tt + I(tt^2) + I(x*tt) + I(x*tt^2)) # 3. Plot the desired result. pecb(fit,tt,fill.col=red) # 4. Add in the ``true'' curve. yt - 1.3 + 0.4*tt - 0.6*tt^2 lines(tt,yt,lty=5,col=blue) cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] Coefficient of determination

2009-06-16 Thread Rolf Turner
/Rhelp08/2009-April/196676.html points to a thread from 2002 which appears to be quite germane: cheers, Rolf Turner On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 4:50 PM, Derek wrote: Dear all

Re: [R] wrong results when apply+sum with missing values (NA)

2009-06-16 Thread Rolf Turner
Where the expletive deleted did you get the argument ``''? Perhaps you need new reading glasses. Anyhow, unless there's something else you're not telling us, apply(nafam,2,sum,na.rm=TRUE) should work just fine. cheers, Rolf Turner On 17/06/2009, at 1:56

Re: [R] loop help

2009-06-16 Thread Rolf Turner
2.6359504 1.0695309 2 7 2.5115220 1.7157471 1.2427306 1 8 0.9053410 -0.6564554 -0.2631631 1 9 3.0184237 -0.4404669 1.9600974 1 10 0.9372859 3.3201133 0.8600051 2 cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] How to parse and eval a collection of items

2009-06-18 Thread Rolf Turner
))) which of course doesn't work. Does,thels) work? cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9

Re: [R] Convert from ppp to spp objects

2007-11-19 Thread Rolf Turner
correct in supposing that the intervals in question are critical intervals, then the same calculation can readily be effected in spatstat via the envelope() function. There is then no need to convert from ppp objects to spp objects. cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] Adding points on top of lines in xyplot

2007-11-20 Thread Rolf Turner
, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9}} __ mailing list PLEASE do read

Re: [R] Loc function in R??

2007-11-20 Thread Rolf Turner
?which On 21/11/2007, at 9:06 AM, Barb, Jennifer (NIH/CIT) [E] wrote: Does anyone know which function (if any) will return the index of the true locations in a Boolean vector? For instance: A=c(1,3,5,7,4); B=c(2,4,77,3,3); X=AB; So X is: X [1] TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE

Re: [R] how to build a saturated model for logistic regression?

2007-11-22 Thread Rolf Turner
degrees of freedom. The fitted values (from fitted(fit)) will be equal to y, to within numerical noise. Does this answer your question? cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] List operations in R

2007-11-29 Thread Rolf Turner
?unname ?unlist cheers, Rolf Turner On 30/11/2007, at 1:07 PM, Srinivas Iyyer wrote: hello: I am very confused when it comes to list operations in R. I seek help in the following problem. I have two different vectors myIDs - a character vector with no names

Re: [R] main plot title

2007-11-29 Thread Rolf Turner
, then you asked the wrong question. It pays to do a little thinking about a problem before asking the list for help. What are you expecting anyway? That R should be able to read your mind? cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] main plot title

2007-11-29 Thread Rolf Turner
thing to remember is that R has endless ways to store, manipulate, and process information that is available to it, but it CANNOT magically produce information that is not available to it. cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] fitting power model in nls()

2007-12-02 Thread Rolf Turner
, Rolf Turner On 3/12/2007, at 8:08 AM, Milton Cezar Ribeiro wrote: Dear all, I am still fighting against my power model. I tryed several times to use nls() but I can´t run it. I am sending my variables and also the model which I would like to fit. As you can see, this power model

Re: [R] fitting power model in nls()

2007-12-02 Thread Rolf Turner
^A + C, start = c(A = 3.2, B = 0.002, C = 0)) : singular gradient cheers, Rolf Turner P.S.: Version information: version _ platform i386-apple-darwin8.10.1 arch i386 os darwin8.10.1 system i386, darwin8.10.1 status

Re: [R] Function to find boundary of an irregular sample?

2007-12-02 Thread Rolf Turner
library(spatstat) ?ripras Also, ``with user interaction'': ?clickpoly HTH cheers, Rolf Turner (Having said that, let me point out that it is a pretty dubious practice to ``let the data choose the window''. The observation window is *always* determined by separate

Re: [R] polygon class in splancs package

2007-12-17 Thread Rolf Turner
- csr(melvin,100) irving - kernel2d(clyde,melvin,h0=2) image(irving) HTH. cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid

Re: [R] calculating the number of days from dates

2007-12-18 Thread Rolf Turner
to those who appreciate the distinction to rail at those who don't! :-) cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9

Re: [R] binning data

2008-01-14 Thread Rolf Turner
to write some code? ?hist (Hint: Look at ``Value''. Also look at the ``plot'' argument.) cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9

Re: [R] things that are difficult/impossible to do in SAS or SPSS butsimple in R

2008-01-15 Thread Rolf Turner
How would one do hist(rnorm(300),freq=FALSE,xlim=c(-4,4),main=) curve(dnorm(x),c(-4,4),col=red,add=TRUE) in SAS or SPSS? Maybe it's equally easy --- but I doubt it. cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] Pause on graphics

2008-01-16 Thread Rolf Turner
. cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9}} __ mailing list

Re: [R] replace numbers in a column conditional on their value

2008-01-16 Thread Rolf Turner
used, but corrected as follows: zz - data.frame(x=1:6,y=1:6,z=1:6,w=c(1,2,3,3,2,1)) zz[,4][zz[,4]2] - zz[,4][zz[,4]2]^2 # See the difference? zz x y z w 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 9 4 4 4 4 9 5 5 5 5 2 6 6 6 6 1 cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] Non linear regression with 2 explanatory variables

2008-01-16 Thread Rolf Turner
(). cheers, Rolf Turner On 17/01/2008, at 3:56 AM, Gavin Simpson wrote: hits=-2.6 tests=BAYES_00 X-USF-Spam-Flag: NO On Wed, 2008-01-16 at 11:02 +0100, Janice Kielbassa wrote: Hello! I want to do a non-linear regression with 2 explanatory variables (something

Re: [R] 'simulate.p.value' for goodness of fit

2008-01-17 Thread Rolf Turner
, Rolf Turner On 18/01/2008, at 7:59 AM, Bob wrote: R Help on 'chisq.test' states that if 'simulate.p.value' is 'TRUE', the p-value is computed by Monte Carlo simulation with 'B' replicates. In the contingency table case this is done by random sampling from

Re: [R] recoding one variable into another - but differently for different cases

2008-01-22 Thread Rolf Turner
humanity. cheers, Rolf Turner ## Attention:\ This e-mail message is privileged and confid...{{dropped:9}} __

Re: [R] Fourier Analysis and Curve Fitting in R

2008-01-25 Thread Rolf Turner
, and what the data are like, before I could make any useful suggestions. Many modelling issues could come into play, and many modelling strategies are potentially applicable. cheers, Rolf Turner

Re: [R] [OT] vernacular names for circular diagrams

2008-01-28 Thread Rolf Turner
is innocent of the crime of creating the first pie chart. From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Rolf Turner Sent: Mon 1/28/2008 12:10 PM To: r-help Subject: Re: [R] [OT] vernacular names for circular diagrams On 28/01/2008, at 12:07 AM, Peter Dalgaard wrote: Jean lobry wrote: snip

Re: [R] [OT] vernacular names for circular diagrams

2008-01-28 Thread Rolf Turner
on... Koenker email[EMAIL PROTECTED]Department of Economics vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678Champaign, IL 61820 On Jan 28, 2008, at 1:10 PM, Rolf Turner wrote: On 28

Re: [R] basic spatial query

2008-01-28 Thread Rolf Turner
this is simple with a GIS, but I'd rather do it inside R. You could convert the polygon to an owin object and use inside.owin() in the spatstat package. You could also use the undocumented spatstat function inside.xypolygon (). cheers, Rolf Turner

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