[R] Problem opening connections to removable hard drive

2007-04-24 Thread Elizabeth Purdom
n Windows XP, R 2.4.0. Thanks, Elizabeth Purdom example: > getwd() [1] "I:/ICBP/Exon Array/Data" #explicit call to hard drive works... > save(x,file="I:/ICBP/Exon Array/Data/tmp.rdata") #unexplicit call relying on knowing working directory doesn't... > s

[R] passing arguments to multiple functions

2007-03-01 Thread Elizabeth Purdom
Hi, I am writing a function and I want to pass arguments to a function I will call internally without having to specify all the possible arguments to pass. Usually I would use '...' but I want to do this for two functions that I will call, and the two functions do not take the same arguments. S

[R] Internet Problem in R

2006-06-29 Thread Elizabeth Purdom
is running version R.2.3.1, on a Windows XP. Thanks, Elizabeth Purdom __ R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] NA in eigen()

2006-03-04 Thread Elizabeth Purdom
hat options? > >On Fri, 3 Mar 2006, Elizabeth Purdom wrote: > >>Hi, >>I am using eigen to get an eigen decomposition of a square, symmetric >>matrix. For some reason, I am getting a column in my eigen vectors (the >>52nd column out of 601) that is a column of all

[R] NA in eigen()

2006-03-03 Thread Elizabeth Purdom
Hi, I am using eigen to get an eigen decomposition of a square, symmetric matrix. For some reason, I am getting a column in my eigen vectors (the 52nd column out of 601) that is a column of all NAs. I am using the option, symmetric=T for eigen. I just discovered that I do not get this behavior

[R] Question about Sweave

2006-02-27 Thread Elizabeth Purdom
Hi, I'm not sure if Sweave questions should go to the general list, but it seems to be part of the core R package without a separate maintainer. I am writing a tutorial for R in a latex file. I'd like to use Sweave, since this seems its ideal usage. The problem is that I want to purposefully p

[R] 'all' inconsistent?

2006-01-29 Thread Elizabeth Purdom
ike > all( names(x) %in% vec ) as an error-handling, and I was hoping that it would work regardless of whether x had names or not. I can clearly work around it, but it seemed like strange behavior to me. Thanks, Elizabeth Purdom R 2.2.1, Windows XP ___

[R] Downloads -- possible bug?

2006-01-19 Thread Elizabeth Purdom
g the Windows base file). Neither refreshing nor clearing my cache changes it. For future reference, I'd like to know if this is a mistake or if different mirrors are just updated at different times? Thanks, Elizabeth Purdom __ R-help@stat.math.ethz.

[R] R CMD not recognized at command-line

2006-01-10 Thread Elizabeth Purdom
rompt so that you don't have to change the path variable? (often students do not have permission to add the R folder to the path variable of a networked computer, so I'd like to know an alternative if someone asks me) Thanks, Elizabeth Purdom

[R] Generic Functions

2006-01-05 Thread Elizabeth Purdom
ot; when a function "methods" already exists? I have the same issue for slots where I have to use a function "slotNames" rather than the more commonly known function "names"). It becomes such a learning curve, that I shy away from

[R] listing datasets from all my packages

2005-07-18 Thread Elizabeth Purdom
Hi, I am using R 2.1.0 on Windows XP and when I type data() to list the datasets in R, there is a helpful hint to type 'data(package = .packages(all.available = TRUE))' to see the datasets in all of the packages -- not just the active ones. However, when I do this, I get the following message:

[R] name space of a package

2005-01-19 Thread Elizabeth Purdom
I am trying to copy a R function (specifically "boot" of the boot package, but I don't think my problem is related to the specific function/package I'm using) and modify it slightly for my own use and/or understanding. For example, I want to understand why I'm getting an error from "func", so I

[R] sapply behavior

2004-09-27 Thread Elizabeth Purdom
1.8.0, though I never experienced it. I had a hard time reproducing it, and I don't know what's setting it off, but the code below seems to do it for me. (I'm using R on Windows XP, either 1.8.0 or 1.9.1) Thanks for any help, Elizabeth Purdom > temp2<-matrix(sample(1:6,6,replace=