[R] making a multiple censored Surv object to survival analisys

2007-06-03 Thread Jose Bustos Melo
Hi R-survivals, I looking for a way to make a Surv object, with a multiple censored data. I'm trying with data from KMsurv library. The data lung is a good reference, to make this. I have this senteces, library(KMsurv) library(survival) data(lung) names(lung) ##time

[R] making a counter of consecitive positive cases in time series

2007-04-12 Thread Jose Bustos Melo
Hi all..RCounters! I´m working with standarized time series, and i need make a counter of consecutives positves numbers to make a cumulative experimental funtion. I have x: the time series (0,1) and y: my counter, i have this for step. What is wrong?.. any can help me please!

[R] maybe use voronoi.findrejectsites?

2006-10-03 Thread Jose Bustos Melo
hi all members, please, i need you help... now a i´m working with veronoi polygons in a area with projections, but i need cut the polygons left. On other words, i need cut the polygons in the worked area. R help say that use the command voronoi.findrejectsites, but in this command i need put the