Re: [R] between-within anova: aov and lme

2006-08-12 Thread Spencer Graves
To understand why this works, you need to understand the math in a more general formulation. Ordinary least squares can be written in matrix / vector notation as follows: y = X %*% b + e, where y and e are N x 1 vectors, X is an N x k matrix, and b is a k x 1 vector. In

Re: [R] between-within anova: aov and lme

2006-08-09 Thread Spencer Graves
I can't answer your question about 'aov', but have you tried the following with 'lme': lme(response~A*B*C,random=~1|subject) This assumes that A, B, and C are fixed effects, either continuous variables or factors present at only a very few levels whose effects are

Re: [R] between-within anova: aov and lme

2006-08-04 Thread William Simpson
Well nobody answered :-( Nobody on R-help is doing anovas I guess -- I don't blame them! (It's just for aggies.) In the absence of any response and for no good reason I am doing: fitn1 - aov(amplitude ~ stereo*site*stimulus + Error(subject), stereon1) This is Bill Venables's way. And when the

[R] between-within anova: aov and lme

2006-08-03 Thread William Simpson
I have 2 questions on ANOVA with 1 between subjects factor and 2 within factors. 1. I am confused on how to do the analysis with aov because I have seen two examples on the web with different solutions. a) Jon Baron ( does 6.8.5 Example 5:


2004-03-29 Thread Margarida JĂșlia Rodrigues Igreja
Hi, I have another problem, can you help? When i type: library(RODBC) a-odbcConnect(oracle) sqlQuery(a,select DISTINCT(DOENT_ID) from EPISGDHS where (VALFACT BETWEEN 100 AND 50)) Comes the error: [1] S1000 904 [unixODBC][Easysoft][Oracle]ORA-00904: \DOENT_ID\: invalid identifier at