Dear "stat",
Interesting claim to a name!
In any case, var(X) where X is the data matrix with n rows of 5-variables
should do the trick.
Btw, please read the posting guide: your question is legitimate, hiding your
identity ("stat stat") is not.
Best wishes,
On Sat, 28 Apr 2007 16:36:
stat stat wrote:
> Dear all R users,
> I wanted to calculated a sample Variance covariance matrix of a five-variate
> normal distribution. However I stuck to calculate each element of that
> matrix. My question is should I calculate ordinary variance and covariances,
> taking pairwise variable
Dear all R users,
I wanted to calculated a sample Variance covariance matrix of a five-variate
normal distribution. However I stuck to calculate each element of that matrix.
My question is should I calculate ordinary variance and covariances, taking
pairwise variables? or I should take partial