[R] Error for TukeyHSD ?

2007-07-19 Thread Silvia Lipski
Hi, one question about TukeyHSD in R: it seems to work only for models without Error terms but not when an Error is specified: Examples: aov1-aov(MMN_ind~(GenCond*Lang)+Error(VP),data=cutie_all) TukeyHSD(aov1,Lang,ordered=TRUE,conf.level = 0.95) -- the German error message tells me its not

Re: [R] Error for TukeyHSD ?

2007-07-19 Thread Richard M. Heiberger
TukeyHSD, and glht in the multcomp package, are designed for aov objects. They do not have methods for aovlist objects. The workaround is to download and install the HH package and look at the maiz example. library(HH) ?MMC In that example I show how to get the same sequential sum of squares